Better option?
What is the best option for a flight from Berlin (BER) to New York (any airport)?
- Norse Atlantic
- Play
- Icelandair
United or Delta are out of the question because they're quite expensive. Transfers aren't a problem either.
What is the best option for a flight from Berlin (BER) to New York (any airport)?
United or Delta are out of the question because they're quite expensive. Transfers aren't a problem either.
Hello everyone! I have German and Romanian citizenship and will be traveling to Romania for a week in two weeks. A week ago, I received my new German ID card, which shows my last name, which I changed after my marriage. The problem is that my plane ticket is still issued with my old last…
Hello, can I drop off my checked baggage at Hamburg Airport one day in advance? I'm flying at 2:30 PM
How many hours did your flight to Japan take? (regardless of where you departed and landed). I'd like to know how long the flight takes. However, when I search Google, I always get mixed answers, ranging from 9 hours to 11 hours. One website even said it would take 17 hours (non-stop).🤔 Hence the question…
Mein dad will aus ägypten viagra nach Deutschland in dem flugzeug mitnehmen. Darf er das? Welche menge und was muss er machen? Die Pillen sind hier nicht verschreibungspflichtig also will er mindestens eine folie mitnehmen.
hallo ich habe vorhin ein ticket von der turkish airlines app gekauft und wollte fragen ob jemand weis wie ich es drucke. kann
It doesn’t matter. For a fixed start, you have to take what’s going on.
They’re all flying from Berlin to New York. Some have only one change in Iceland
Take the cheapest one. It’s just gonna make a few €. Booking time is more important.
Thanks for your star.