Besser im Ballett werden?


ich Tanze seit 10 Jahren Ballett, aber nur als Hobby. Da es nur ein Hobby ist, ist das ganze nicht Professionell deshalb ist das Ballett nicht auf hohem Niveau.
Allerdings habe ich wirklich große Interesse daran meine Fähigkeiten zu verbessern, weil das Tanzen mir so Spaß macht, es macht mir auch Spaß daran zu arbeiten also zuhause mehr dafür zu tun.

Ich habe schon öfters versucht von Leuten Übungen aus deren Videos zu machen, aber ich habe nicht das Gefühl das das mich wirklich weiter gebracht hat.

Ich bin mir aber nicht ganz sicher wie ich von zuhause aus besser werden kann, vielleicht hat jemand Tipps wie ich zum Beispiel an meiner Technik oder Pirouetten usw. arbeiten könnte.
Öfters zum Training gehen wäre keine Option da ich 3 mal die Woche schon gehe und einfach keine Zeit mehr finde da der Weg zum Tanzstudio etwas länger ist.

Ich freue mich über Tipps!

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4 months ago

Training at home doesn’t speak if you can and want to get things. Classics would have been in lockdown a few years ago, doing at home the things you can to keep them up. keyword “Use it or loose it”.

If you start new things or aren’t perfect yet, you’ll always have the chance to get you a wrong execution, which you’ll get hard to retrain. To retrain self-learning errors is harder and more long than to learn correctly under controlled conditions.

But what is going on is supplemental training, just make sure that you don’t get into overtraining and allow your muscles to rest.

What I could imagine if you have problems with the Pirouette: unstable core or wrong attitude.

What can you do against an unstable core? Get a theraband and train the so-called Palloff press. Fix the theraband on a door pawl or something else between hip and chest height, so that you can hold the band in front of the chest on the move from one side. Then press the arm with which you hold the tape forward. As a result, the tape is tightened and pulls your upper body to the side. You have to stand so stable that you don’t turn to the side, your upper body has to be absolutely stable despite being pulled from the theraband. Execute this exercise on both sides. After that, you can still make an advanced execution of this exercise, which is also called “Holzhacker” in motor sports. To this end, you still stand sideways to the theraband, but turn towards the band with extended arms (output position) and then rotate away from the upper body with arms still stretched to the other side from the theraband. And at the end keep the plank as long as possible.

The other would be the attitude. Check if you do any evasive movements in preparation (so Plie and then high in Releve Pass). Put your back against a wall or (so that the wallpaper does not get dirty) into a door frame, or (with a little less bearing surface for the back and thus with more space to avoid what you want to train off) against a kind of “vertical ballet rod” (a holding rod of a scaffold on a playground or in the Calisthenics Park, a road sign, a pole dance stick preparation, …) Of course, you can’t turn if you have a wall, a door frame or a vertical bar in your back, but you can train the avoidance in preparation if this is your problem.

4 months ago

Trying at home in front of you won’t take you. On the contrary, if there are errors, because the corrections are missing, you will brake yourself in the best case and block yourself with it. We strongly advise our Eleven to “train” any techniques at home to avoid that.

If you can’t set up any further training during the week, then use the opportunity to visit workshops or intensive courses. Many good schools offer summer courses for several weeks (in Germany or abroad). For some, it is enough to register, for others an application including video must be submitted. Such courses will bring you more in the long term. The same applies to workshops that can be found all year round.

From this, ask your coach after exercises for targeted muscle building. This is not a ballet in the sense, but caft training, even targeted balance/axis training can help.

Endurance training can be profitable. Cycling, jogging, inliners (there is also something on the way to the gymnastics). With our dancers, Konditraining is an integral part of their program.

See if your dance studio offers accompanying courses that are close to your ballet courses (PBT, Pilates, Floorbarre, etc., etc.) or see if there is something in the way.

4 months ago

build a large mirror to the wall then you can watch while practicing