Besondere Gabe in WaCa?

Seid gegrüßt!

Ich habe vor eine FF zu schreiben (privat) es geht um 2 junge Katzen. Sie sollen ähnlich wie die Geschwister Löwenglut, Häherfeder und Distelblatt magische Gaben haben…

Würde euch eine Gabe einfallen?

PS: Die Gabe soll nicht übertrieben sein, also z.B. Das eine Katze Autos bauen kann oder sich teleportiern kann…

Ich würde mich auf eure Antworten freuen…

Bitte nur antworten wenn ihr warrior cats kennt!!!

LG Funkenschweif! 🫶👋

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9 months ago


These would fall into my mind:

  • You can look into the future or/and in the past: So it can be so that the gift becomes stronger and the cats can look more and more into the past/future.
  • You can stop the time: Not long now, but they can make the time stay short, e.g. a minute or something.
  • You can make yourself invisible: Yes, just make it invisible, maybe it will become stronger and they can eventually make several invisible.
  • You can feel if others lie or not: So a cat talks to them and they can find out if this cat tells the truth or lies.
  • You can teleport: Yes, I know you wrote up that it can’t be such a gift, but how about they teleport in thought? So they can only teleport their mind and not their body. So they can all follow, so find out the secrets about these. But you can also say that this is very exhausting and they can’t do it long.
  • You can read the thoughts of other cats: This is a possibility that is very often available. Well, they can just read the thoughts of others.
  • You can influence what others think: This gift would be very powerful, they can now, for example, change the decision of other cats and enter into the thoughts of other cats and change the plan of these cats.
  • You are immortal: Well, these cats can’t die, which would lead to them probably leaving the clan with the reason they died. So they don’t say, “We died,” but rather let them “kill” by strayers, and they confirm that they died. And that’s why the cats can be very old and always live in another place.

I hope I could help! LG Silva

9 months ago
Reply to  Silvalis

Thanks for the star 🌟!

9 months ago

Hi, this is what I think:

• You could communicate with each other in thoughts

• You could read thoughts from all cats

• You can feel whether a cat is lying or not

• You get visions (so directly by day, which are similar to prophecies only more clearly)

• You can contact a Starclan Cat even by day or hact only in a dream.

9 months ago

I’m only at Warrior Cat’s 4th book. But fire heart(fire star) can contact the bouncy leaf in sleep. That’s more a gift of healers and bouncy is already dead.

Hope I could help you.