Besoffen Auto gefahren?

moin bin 19 und hab noch nie alk getrunken in mein Leben bis vor 1 Woche da hab ich zum ersten Mal getrunken und bin dumme Weise Auto gefahren hatte 1.6 Promille Kollege war kotzen und ich saß im Auto und Schlüssel war drinne und so dumm wie ich es bin bin ich gefahren nach 20min bin ich Dan gegen Laterne gefahren musste ausweichen weil der Kollege auf Straße ankam um mich aufzuhalten. Dann kamm die Polizei. Alles aufgenommen ect.

mein Frage ist was für eine strafe bekomme?ich fahr verbot wie lange Oder muss ich MPU Machen ?

Hatte ja kein Führerschein

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6 months ago

In addition to the consequences mentioned here, here is the answer to your question:

do I have to do MPU?

If your BAK was really 1.6‰, you will have to make a MPU before you are admitted to the FS exam. You can then count on a double question (alcohol and crime).

Your blocking period will probably be approx. 1 year, in addition to the penalty order for the TF- there are also the costs for the lantern…

I don’t have to mention that a MPU is also arranged to your friend (besides the withdrawal of the FE)…

6 months ago

You will not only get a penalty yourself, but also your colleague. You put him in the badge right now.

Driving without driving is a crime. Even to make a driving license you can forget for the next few years. The stupid thing is that your colleague put the key. He didn’t secure the vehicle to which he was obliged. That will give him at least points. Do him the favor and say that he could not expect you to drive when you are asked.

6 months ago
Reply to  Brooklyn438

Okay. I hope that was for you with a license.

6 months ago

moment – you didn’t have a driver’s license, but then you drove with 1.6 permille car and built an accident? it all sounds very like paulanergarten. I can’t believe someone can be so stupid.

if so – your appearance will only take place at 21. 4-digit range could be added.

6 months ago
Reply to  DodgeRT

….I can’t believe someone can be so stupid…

Oh, yes, there are always people like that. On the one hand, they think I’m not getting caught, on the other hand alcohol is totally envying the senses.

6 months ago
Reply to  DodgeRT

4 digits, I think, as a suitability assessment may be arranged before the purchase of the driving licence. But I have absolutely no understanding.

There are guaranteed several points on the indictment, be glad that no one has been hurt.