Besitzt ihr eine Fotokamera?
Ich meine nicht die Kamera auf dem Handy.
Ich meine nicht die Kamera auf dem Handy.
Is it possible to keep a person alive in any way (in a responsive state) without them having a heart? After the heart has been removed? By marching or something? If so, how? By what means? Can anyone tell me or best describe this?
In meinem Verwandtenkreis fotografieren und filmen die Leute nur noch mit Handys. Sie kämen niemals auf den Gedanken 1.000€ und mehr für eine Fotokamera aus zu geben. Wenn die Kameras günstiger wären würde sich der eine oder andere das schon überlegen, aber die werden immer teurer. Meine Fuji X-H2 hat auch 2.000€ ohne Objektiv gekostet….
Mir wurden Tabletten verschrieben und die Apothekerin hat mir was auf die Packung gekritzelt… weiss jemand was dieses 1-0-1 bedeutet??
Does anyone know which?????
I had about. 8-10 years different models like
However, after an active time of photography, the smartphone has become increasingly established. In addition, I am a person who tends not to photograph alone. At some point I have my A7 incl. the 35mm 1.8 sold and stopped to actively photograph.
In my holidays, I shot the best pictures that you can imagine. I don’t want to miss my digital mirror reflex, even if it’s old and has 12 MegapPixel. It comes to the front of the lens 😉
I have a Fujifilm X10 that I don’t want to make anymore, although every gammelhandy can do the same or more. No matter, I like the retrofeeling and the optical seeker is already something fine for an old woman like me, who has grown up with an ner ollen “Agfa Klack Ritschratsch” 😀
Blessed has unfortunately reached the spoon at some point, then was over with film, has accompanied me from the training to the 2010s for unforged snapshots.
I still have a “right” camera because it offers a little more possibilities than a mobile camera. – Nevertheless, I usually only use the cell phone camera in everyday life because it works quickly and easily… and the image quality is really quite neat.
Even more than one.
A small digital camera, a digital mirror reflex camera and a classic mirror reflex camera with film.
The classic mirror reflex camera with film has several lenses, which is why I like to use them for natural images.
All three are in use with me.
When I started photographing, there weren’t even cell phones just so-called car phones.
For those who no longer remember. These were travel cases of large devices that were fixed in the car and cost as much as a small car. If you wanted to call someone in the car, you had to know where it was because you had to know the right zone. GPS was not invented at the time.
My camera was an older one even then Agfa Silette I had from my grandson.
Today I own several digital system cameras MFT and full format.
Several at the moment
However, my Haubt camera is now the Sony Alpha 6700, an Alpha 6600 and an Alpha 7 III are still with me both I will sell soon
Yes, I currently have a Z5 and a Z50 of Nikon. In addition, a lot of lenses and other accessories such as screw filters, tripods, flashes, etc.
Mobile phones have virtually displaced the classic snapshot cameras, but if you want to run photography seriously, you need a camera that allows you maximum flexibility and control. There are usually system cameras.
To make commemorative photos or holiday snapshots, the phone is much more practical and you don’t need a camera but if you want more than that, you won’t get around a proper camera.
Sony NEX6 and 18-55mm f/3.5.
Certainly not the most modern or best combination, but for me absolutely sufficient and in the end it comes to the photographer anyway. Meaning, even with the latest A7 with the best lens I could not photograph better.
Better than (m)a phone is definitely that. Not only because of the beautiful pictorial look, the handling is just much better with the camera.
Currently, Canons EOS 80D is after having traveled for many years with a 550D and before the DSLR’s with Panasonic’s Bridge FZ38 made first attempts..
Great, there are two of them here.
As an all-rounder for comparatively little money, she has grown to my heart.
She makes a lot of joy, that’s true. I would buy myself again without a long thought, but then the successor would be on the plan, he’d put it down again. Also a lot of pleasure in photographing..
Even more than one and that for about 40 years. The oldest camera from 2013.
My first “right” camera was a inherited AE-1 from Canon and still works.
Yes. My main camera is a Canon EOS80D and mainly 2 lenses are used:
as always the Canon 24-105mm F4 L IS II
and the Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM
An EOS 200D is used as a backup.
, several even. Photography is my hobby.
Ne, don’t have a camera.But I need to be honest.
LG Maike
I even own some cases of different manufacturers.
For some time I have been using OLYMPUS PEN F and OLYMPUS M1X.
Have both ne Canon EOS 850D and ne astromodified 1300D.
Space pics just works better with a camera.
Rarely used, but the phones didn’t always have good resolution since the beginning.
A mirror reflex camera and a compact camera, the latter for underwater.
A Sony A7 mk1 and a ZWO ASI 183 MM
yes, a Canon EOS
Unfortunately not but perhaps in the future in sha Allah
But this one was broken at some point, I wanted to get one again, but until now I don’t know what kind of camera 🙂
I don’t own a camera, but sometimes I’d like one.
Two reflective cameras, a bridge camera and a small compact camera.
Several NIKONs and others
GoPro e.g.
A compact camera and a bridge camera.