Besiedlung eines Baches nach Hochwasser?

Hallo !

Und zwar wollte ich fragen, ob mir jemand sagen kann, warum sich nach einem Hochwasser die natürliche Besiedlung von einem Bach recht schnell wieder einstellt – Danke schonmal ! 🙂

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6 years ago


the roots remain, unless it has become a cracking river in the ground only the green bends or tears off. New nutrients and also seeds of other plants are added by the mud that is flushed on.

The vegetation is just moving. The same with forest fires. Such “catastrophes” are very good for nature.

I’m sure you can describe it even more in detail.

P.S.: I was just thinking about plants 🙂

6 years ago

Most animals can adjust.

Fish dig into the mud.

Insects and amphibians move back to other places.

A flood of canals and streams only takes hours.

On larger waters, brood or salmon can already be destroyed.

Here, however, there are usually highwaters which last for a long time in conjunction with snow melt and continuous rain.

There is not a breeding and setting time, and amphibians are still in the winter star.

So floods do nothing to most animals.

6 years ago
Reply to  jkev2798
