Beschwerde schreiben?


ich möchte eine Beschwerde an eine Rewemitarbeiterin schreiben, aber weiß nicht wie. Der Grund dafür ist ich war heute in Rewe und ich wusste nicht, wo ich die Eier finden sollte, also fragte ich höflich einen Mitarbeiterin, wo die Eier seien, aber sie fauchte mich an und sagte: „Woher soll ich das wissen, fragen Sie jemand anderen, ich habe keine Zeit “Aber sie hatte definitiv Zeit, weil sie mit ihrem Handy gespielt hat, anstatt mir überhaupt zu helfen. Ich war danach völlig geschockt, weil die Angestellten normalerweise sehr nett sind. Ich möchte auch schreiben, dass der Chef oder wer auch immer mit ihr reden soll, weil das völlig respektlos war und unglaublich frech.

Kann mir das bitte jemand in eine Email schreiben? Ich kann das nicht richtig formulieren.

Wäre sehr nett!

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2 years ago

Dear *SoAndSo*,

I would like to point out to them that I can only report good about their employees and give them a good feeling when shopping. They are helpful and polite, which is in my discretion, probably also in their interest. Therefore, I was very irritated when I was grossly rejected today/yester/whatever by an employee who had probably increased interest in her mobile device. I would be happy if they could say again that the customer would be the priority for digital life.

With kind regards,

X. whatever

You don’t have to sound like a doctoral thesis, you won’t have to do something private with the employees very often, for which you are another X person.

Do not write directly about the employee and do not mention her appearance or name. Sounds too much like childish petting. If it is really not good, the competent people know who it is.

For that, you don’t know the backgrounds, maybe she still needed a babysitter for her little one, her house burns, or whatever, there can really be more important than a customer, even if he doesn’t see that at the moment.

If she is always reliable and nice, and this was a special case, she would certainly be very hurt for getting stress.

Do what you think is right.

MfG Ademi33

2 years ago

Work 1 month in retail. It’s hard to always stay friendly

2 years ago

Everyone has a bad day and problems…

just let it be good, or you are always 100% friendly to all

2 years ago
Reply to  zazzkpp

cry. Not possible

2 years ago
Reply to  zazzkpp

Why do you want to give her more stress? You don’t know what she has privately for problems and everyone’s bad

2 years ago

Why is this a big deal for you?

Are you aware of the consequences of such an e-mail?

Can’t you just care?

2 years ago

You’re just getting rid of yourself when you escalate this little thing. Even here, where we are supposed to play your dad and mom, because you can’t formulate yourself, which is the basic requirement.

So look around at the Rewe, buy your stuff and let the adults do their work.