Beschuldigter des Verkaufs von Marihuana an minderjährige?
Hi Leute, bin 18 und mein Kollege 17. Rauchen ab und zu mal etwas und da ich frisch 18 geworden bin habe ich ja keine Probleme mit dem Gesetz mehr. Wenn wir zwei als Beispiel jetzt high nach hause laufen und ich aber nix dabei habe könnte die Polizei mich beschuldigen ihm was verkauft/gegeben zu haben? Der verkauf an minderjährige soll ja sehr strafbar jetzt sein?
Was denkt ihr zu dieser Situation oder was würdet ihr machen?
Sure, she could wait and see how she’s responding.
Ultimately, an accusation is not enough, but they also have to prove this and they may be able to do so if they involve you in a conversation from which they can read out a confession. This is avoided by not saying anything about the subject and denying everything in a flat-rate manner and, best of all, by not allowing itself to be discussed.
no– your buddy has to tell the police himself… It’ll be risky if you get caught smoking in the presence of your buddy. In Bavaria it then costs 1000€ and other federal states will take the Bavarian fine catalogue as an example. .
Especially if they have an interior minister from the CDU.
It is and remains the private sale. As long as your buddy doesn’t denounce you as a salesman, nothing happens to you. Keep cool baby.
Only if one of you talks too much.