Beschreibe, wie du überprüfen kannst, ob sich in einer Blackbox eine Halbleiterdiode befindet?
Hallo, kann mir bitte jemand helfen?
Ich habe diese Physik Hausaufgabe bekommen und komme wirklich nicht weiter.
Ich wäre richtig dankbar wenn jemand mir helfen würde.
Beschreibe, wie du überprüfen kannst, ob sich in einer Blackbox eine Halbleiterdiode befindet! Zeichne dazu einen Schaltplan!
Open the box and watch:-D
Probably you want to hear another answer.
In school, there will probably still be these training cases with 4.5V batteries and a discreet light bulb. Build a simple circuit with battery and lamp. Then turn the blackbox into the circuit, check the status of the lamp, then turn the pole direction of the blackbox and close the circuit again. If the lamp only burns in one direction of flow, the probability is high that a diode is located in the blackbox.
You can now go to Number Safe and in the case when the lamp burns the voltage dropping at the Blackbox with a multimeter.
If there are 0.5V you probably have a Schottky diode in the box, at approx. 0.7V it is probably a silicon diode.
You switch the current direction with a switch and switch an LED behind it.
The LED must be connected to the current direction.
Yeah, but you know them.