Beschneidung – was in der Firma sagen?

Ich werde bald beschnitten. Im Zuge dessen folgt nach der OP vermutlich auch eine Krankschreibung, da meine Arbeit körperlich sehr belastend ist. Ich möchte ungern in meiner Firma sagen, dass ich mich beschneiden lasse, was soll ich aber sonst sagen? Spätestens durch die Krankmeldung erfährt mein Chef ja, dass diese von einem Urologen ausgestellt wurde 🤔

Was gibt es sonst noch für Gründe warum ein Urologe krank schreiben würde, die eventuell weniger peinlich sind bzw. wie kann ich das Problem lösen? Einfach nach der OP die Krankmeldung beim Hausarzt besorgen war mein erster Gedanke, aber dann kann ich meinem Chef nur schwer begreiflich machen, dass ich mich anfangs noch schonen muss wenn ich zurück auf der Arbeit bin…

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9 months ago

If you are written ill at all, then you are and what doctor can care about you, because then you are not at work anyway.

It is different, however, if you have a physically heavy work and after circumcision you should spare some time to not endanger the healing process. In the case of boys who still go to school, it is advised that they should not take part in sports lessons the next two or three weeks after circumcision.

But you don’t get a medical prescription for the whole time of healing, but you don’t have to overload yourself. So, now you have to tell your colleague or boss why you have to “step” something. I’m currently working in a small family business. We’re all by “du” and talk about private. You need to assess how far this is possible in your company. If you also have a friendly or kameradschaftlicvhes relationship, tell the truth. Surely you won’t find anyone who has no understanding. Maybe one or more colleagues were similar and you’ll get good tips.

You don’t have to tell yourself anything, but if your boss asks (and he knows that he doesn’t, he does, but because you have a good relationship), then just say it. A circumcision is nothing to be ashamed of.

9 months ago

Leave it their imagination, why the AU message comes from a Urologist. You are not obliged to inform the employer of the diagnosis. You can already tell in advance that you will fail due to illness, but not why.

9 months ago
Reply to  Bunnery1981

You have to compare it with an AU message from a female doctor. No employer would ask why the woman was there in treatment and what was done.

A urologist is the women’s doctor for men. When the AU message comes, it’s here. I can’t imagine someone being so tactless and asking for the reason. If so (what I still don’t believe) say that you don’t want to talk about it. Or do it for the funny and say you were a sperm donation. And because that was so exhausting for your hand, you need some rest.

Do not make a mosquito an elephant 😉

9 months ago

In connection with my circumcision, I spoke of a “small, harmless urological surgery” which the scar has to heal for a few days.

That was detailed enough so it didn’t look like homeliness and prevented worry about worse.

Maybe you can say that. It’s always better to say the truth diplomatically without telling too much.

9 months ago

You can just tell your boss:

“I have to undergo a smaller urological treatment, which entails physical protection. That’s why I’m expected to be sick for a few days.”

This gives you enough information without going into detail, while respecting the existing trust base.

9 months ago

If you want to keep the reason for you, you could talk about a small rupture that was operated.

9 months ago

To be honest, I have the feeling that circumcision is the most ungodly, which is why you could be enrolled by a urologist.

If you leave it to the imagination of your fellow human beings, they will assume that you could have testicular or prostate cancer.

These are diseases that are more often clarified and therefore immediately on the screen. On the other hand, the circumcision is much less pronounced compared with that, although there are many men who are trimmed or still can be trimmed in adulthood.

I would therefore be quite convinced that you would stand for understanding and support if you were to tell the truth in your business.

If you don’t want to say it, just check out what treatments your urologist offers and choose a plausible one.

8 months ago

You can get sick from the doctor for 1 to 2 weeks.

He can also take over part of the wound control!

Sign up, tell medical treatment and get back in 1 to 2 weeks. If drilled, just bend. Usually, the medical prescription can only see the personnel department.

9 months ago

You are not obliged to tell the employer the reason for the medical prescription.

You don’t have to tell your colleagues the reason.

If you want to say anything, then you just say you have a medical procedure and what doctor does that do you know at most your employer

9 months ago

you have to go under surgery.

no longer goes on.

and you don’t have to talk about anything else.

9 months ago
Reply to  Bunnery1981

No. They don’t have to know everything about me as a woman.

9 months ago

Then your boss, when he reads the medical report, should have the “think” that you’re circumcised. What are you doing? Millions of men are cut, maybe your boss. He won’t be interested in the least.

Don’t act like that! Do you want to lie to your boss and your colleagues for a completely incomprehensible reason? For example, if you were to be in custody, I could still understand.

Just tell the people in the company what’s happening and good!

9 months ago
Reply to  Christian314

That’s what I see. In a small family business one gets the most with the truth, especially since a circumcision is actually just a bagatelle like an almond surgery and about which one could speak.

9 months ago


You can just say you have a kidney ignition.

8 months ago
Reply to  m47111

Top. Or bubble stone!

9 months ago

Through the electronic AU, the employer no longer learns by which doctor it was issued.

9 months ago

Say that you have a kidney stone that needs to be removed surgically.

9 months ago
Reply to  Bunnery1981

I’d say so. What your employer believes or doesn’t believe can matter to you. He doesn’t care. You have a medical prescription and you don’t have to say anything.

9 months ago

Well, no information at all.

If you’re looking for an excuse for what I understand dirchaus, then maybe that a bigger mother had to be removed as a precaution?

9 months ago
Reply to  Mugua

a larger mum

the Urologen?

9 months ago
Reply to  nematode

My female doctor once cut me one intimacy, so I assumed that Urologen would do it accordingly.

9 months ago


9 months ago

Of course it’s your choice.

The best lies are very close to the truth. So look what medical reasons might come into question for your best piece for you.

This explains the urologists and no stupid questions about the subject, as it was medically necessary.

9 months ago

You don’t have to say anything at all, it can’t matter why you’re sick.