Beschneidung von Jungen?
Hey wie findet ihr die Beschneidung von Jungen ?
Sollte die Beschneidung von Jungen verboten werden . Genau wie die Mädchen Beschneidung ?
Und mit Begründung?
Also ich finde die Beschneidung von Jungen sollte genau so verboten werden wie die von Mädchen weil die Vorhaut ist schon wichtig und und die Jungs einfach so beschneiden zu lassen finde ich einfach scheise die können es wenn sie älter sind selber entscheiden .
I don’t feel bad about the preskin circumcision in boys and should not be banned either.
You can’t compare the circumcision of boys and girls… With guys, it also has many advantages or can often be medically Notwenig, as well as the foreskin is not important for boys.
The circumcision of girls is quite different.
Boy circumcision is quite sensible, that has some advantages. You don’t really need a preskin to something….
The circumcision of boys can have advantages and is not equivalent to FGM.
There are good reasons why this is not forbidden for boys, or there are legal exceptions.
The circumcision of boys is NOT comparable to the circumcision of girls, these are completely different things.
I always had a philosophical and was really happy that I was circumcised with 11, but also that there should be a real reason and not just because the parents want it or something, not even if you don’t want it yourself!
I look just like you, of course. I strongly reject child circumcision. I believe that all people have the right to physical integrity, sexual self-determination and their own religious freedom! And so also, to be able to and be responsible for the decision, a religious, physically non-reversible license plate, all year round – all year round.
The subject is too diverse to describe it briefly here.
From my point of view, why stands first. medical reason; voluntary; religious; Wish of parents.
Most men who are cut do not want this skin back.
Meanwhile there are also many women who volunteer….
the what…???? Write the sentence.
OK, many women who are subject to surgery and can be cut off labia, KVH clitoris foreskin, and if you can always believe it can even volunteer to operate their clit. Both clearly differed. Without KVH they get an orgasm easier without Klit no longer. OK?
yes and also voluntary.
Yes, there is. ABER: These surgery will only be done if you are full-year and can decide yourself. That’s different in the circumcision of children, huh?
I look absolutely as much as you. A circumcision on the request of others (e.g. parents) before the age of full should be prohibited. I have the right to physical integrity and self-determination. Only for medical reasons would it be okay if all the other possibilities were evacuated.
A voluntary, self-determined circumcision after the age of fullness for whatever reason is completely ok for me.
I am circumcised myself and find it very good
circumcision has some advantages. For both the man and the partner.
So I can only advise anyone who is open to it…
The foreskin also has advantages
What are these advantages? Except that it is warm and damp under it and that is an ideal nest box for all kinds of stuff, which likes to multiply and quickly…
What are you known?
Oh, yeah? I haven’t discovered them yet…
I am not generally opposed to circumcision I should be forbidden to circumcision to children what adult can make everyone decide what he wants
You’re against a foretaste, don’t speak for all
I don’t know what to laugh. Maybe you just stay serious. You’re a militant opponent, and you’re trying to express your opinion to everyone. You do not respect our opinion
that you are against it, please. It’s your decision. If you don’t want the benefits for you, I don’t care.
But just leave the others alone
What does it mean to us are not all against a fore skin 🤣
You too. My
You can just let our opinion
Yes, but man can let children decide
You can have your opinion as you want… But let’s just let our opinion
I often think it’s OK if Mannes likes himself as an adult. I am against a circumcision to children who do not have to decide themselves but the parents
Just stay here. I never said that the boy is bad in himself if he’s not circumcised.
I just said that trimming has some advantages, and it is much more pleasant.
That you have anything against circumcision in general, we’ve come along here. Even if you cannot justify this rejection
Well, you’ll find boys with pre-skin, so they’re worse than boys with pre-skin
And we’ve been discussing it 100 times. And you have to warm it up for the 101th time. What do you promise?
You’re not washing 24 hours a day. I’ll just put it on
No, better or not is a totally subjective argument. You say you feel better. Better is an increase. Better than what?
he also has a different opinion on everyone. I’m sure I don’t want to play with a foreskin.
It’s not about whether someone’s kind of worth or not. What do you think? The question was quite different
Man can wash
You find boys with a fore skin are worth less than boys without. Precious or disgusting
I talk about playing generally if I or guys are just better
Whether you want to play with it or not, this is your personal and subjective feeling.
but why should the shooters?
for it all sorts of stuff accumulates…
I think a foretaste makes sense to play. And protection and everything if you wash properly is all good
I don’t see
That’s exactly what you described. A pre-skin does nothing at all, except disadvantages.
Yes no matter how discution ends
That’s exactly what we don’t need to discuss about taste. If he likes this (because he’s just so familiar), he should do that. But he can’t say how it would be if it were different.
The Klit is also a slant and has a preskin. Even many women separate.
OK my friend loves it when I play with his foreskin and so everyone has another taste
And that’s exactly what the skin is pushing up and down. What are you doing? What do I have? What’s the man got?
after the circumcision, almost all men report that they have previously pushed up and down nothing other than that, and they have felt beautiful, but then know that there are much more horny things…
What I did or did then, I made this in the forum only last year. You just need to read
What are you doing to get to know a friend and he’s got a forearm right away?
Beauty… This is your personal feeling now. This is an absolutely subjective argument.
For example, I don’t like pre-skin at all.
And I don’t know what to play with it
A preskin is beautiful and man can play better with preskin
I’m not.
You misinterpreted the “you” so I didn’t mean you personally, but in principle any (of course male) person.
I don’t have an acorn
The oaks do not blunt anyway, this is an absolute fairy tale.
What to play with is a mystery to me.
and where was really supposed to protect now I also wonder. Or do you run naked all day and expose your acorn to any bad danger?
But the foreskin also has some disadvantages.
And that’s exactly what we had here 100 times…
Protects the acorn . Can man play better with . And the acorn does not blunt
Doesn’t the circumcision of boys have advantages?
But… some. This is only denied by the (uncut) circumcision opponents
I believe that all non-medical circumcisions should be prohibited. To this end, I strongly count the religious circumcision, because only the person himself can decide whether to belong to the religious community and then also bear all the consequences.
I also see that, apart from medical need, if nothing else helps.
I am a supporter that boys / men are only circumcised for a medical need.
And at the same time, no one is helped if we are now all hysterical about the land and above all through the Internet, a crusade against circumcision.
A ban is silly. And it’s just that we’re all getting more unconcilable.