Beschneidung Tipps?
Ich werde in 2 Tagen beschnitten. Ich bin 20 Jahre alt, habe schon lange eine Phimose habe diese aber immer ignoriert. Vor ein halben Jahr war ich beim Urologen und habe 2 verschiedene salben bekommen. Ohne Erfolg. Jetzt hatte ich heute im KH ein Termin für eine Beschneidung. Diese wird am Donnerstag in Vollnarkose stattfinden.
Habt ihr irgendwelche Tipps, vor der OP, direkt danach und auch für die Zukunft?
Wie erkläre ich es wenn ich Sex habe, weil ich bin deutscher und es werden ja nur Moslems und jüdische Mitbürger beschnitten. Da werden ja bestimmt Fragen aufkommen warum er anderst aussieht.
Say you’re undercover agent and you’re undercover.
What? You are not the first German to be circumcised for medical reasons and not for religious reasons.
That’s so normal that you only need to explain it to those who don’t know or have never thought about it.
Hi, there were good tips.
Good luck with the surgery!
You will be very happy and happy after that.
Why should I be satisfied?
Because you’ll get rid of your medical problem and enjoy your (sexual) life. Hygiene is also easy and then you are no longer in pain.
It’s understandable that you’re thinking about your upcoming circumcision. Here are some tips for you:
Before the operation:
Directly after the operation:
For the future:
Remember that your health and well-being are at first place. Good for your operation and recovery!
Personally, I had to stretch for 2.5 years immediately ointment, which led to no success. At the J2 I spoke to the children and youth doctor again and then she also agreed. I’m happy and happy as it is now.
Yeah, you see that all these pages don’t help anything.
and ignoring problem for a long time is also not a solution. Be glad it finally happens, after that is a rest for all times and you will be happy.
the statement that only Jews and Muslims are circumcised is complete nonsense. There are a lot of German cuts.
did you say in advance what style you want? Otherwise, I would definitely recommend high and tight.
all the good for the small OP 😉
So in principle, almost everything has been said. But you should definitely talk to your doctor about the style of circumcision. Low&tight, high&tight or all in loose. Google after that.
I have surgery on Thursday. Do I have the doctor before and can discuss it?
You have to discuss this… this is part of the pre-conference.
The doctor will make it right
You don’t need to explain anything because it’s obvious. If someone wants to know the reason, you just say how it is: you had a precut.
And not only Muslims and Jews are circumcised.
For the rest of your question, the attending doctor can certainly give you information.
You don’t need to explain anything about sex, because enough German men and young people can be circumcised voluntarily. The doctor certainly told you what to consider. You can shave smoothly before you’re not. After that, stop by the doctor’s recommendation.
They’re just doing general anesthesia in the hospital, or were you trying to get that out of you? For general anesthesia is kind of like shooting .it cannons on sparrows.
What style is made?
Yeah, because I said I didn’t want to get it.
Completely off, he advised me of a partial circumcision.
In fact, the doctor did not take time just looked on it and said it must be in any case. For example, I didn’t know how to shave, but I’m anyway.
Last year after my circumcision, I could remove the bandage the next day and didn’t need a new bandage. I was also allowed to shower the day after circumcision and should make the penis in Lauwarme kamillenbads in the morning and evening.
The threads have dissolved themselves, but after 7 days can remove each 2nd thread itself and a few days later the rest.
Sb should you approx. 14 days to give up sex about 28 days
So many women know both and most women prefer to trim it.
You don’t have to say anything.