Beschneidung Penis?
Hallo Leute,
Ich wollte fragen wie das abläuft bei einer Beschneidung und ob man danach Einschränkungen hat?
Guten Morgen, Ich bin gerade mit Halsschmerzen aufgestanden. Naja, ich frage mich, da mein Hals auch beim schlucken sehr weh tut, was ich jetzt machen soll. Soll ich eine Tablette nehmen? Tee trinken? Ich bin 13 Jahre alt, ich kann wahrscheinlich nicht jede Tablette nehmen. Danke
Ich bin vor 3-4 Tagen Fahrradgefahren und habe seit gestern starke Rückenschmerzen am unteren Rücken. Ich kann nicht gerade gehen und der schmerz zieht mir bis ans bein. Wenn ich länger nicht gehe also auf Füßen bin sind die schmerzen wenn ich anfange zu gehen viel stärker. Das habe ich öfters dass wenn ich mein…
Mein Knöchel ist geschwollen und hat so ein Muster drauf. Weiß jemand was ich da tun kann
Hi, bin seit ca. ner Woche krank. habe seit ein paar Tagen Lungenrascheln, Brustschmerzen, Bauchschmerzen, Husten und so ein Jucken in der Brust. Der Arzt hat mich gerade Abgehört und gesagt, meine Lunge sei Gesund. Es liegt wohl an den Nasennebenhöhlen. Ich verstehe das aber nicht, da meine Lunge sehr stark Raschelt. Was soll ich…
Kann nicht aufstehen Was kann es sein? (Ich war schon beim Arzt)
Ich bekomme schon seit längerer Zeit immer Zahnschmerzen nach dem Eis essen. Das beginnt zwischen 10 – 30 Minuten danach und dauert meist so 5 – 10 Minuten an. Manchmal lässt es sich mit Wasser “wegspülen”. Während dem Eis essen selbst habe ich aber keine Schmerzen. Da hatte ich mir eigentlich nicht großartig viel Sorgen…
You’re making an interview. As the doctor clarifies all the important facts for the planning of the operation (physiology, if necessary). Situation of narrowing, pre-disorders, allergies, drug intolerances, type of anaesthesia etc.) It is also important that it is determined as it is executed (straff or less tight, whether the scar is to be placed just above or far above the acorn and whether the ribbon is removed). In the end, you sign a reconnaissance sheet and agree that the operation should be carried out in the agreed way. Then you get an operation date.
Before the surgery, you should be shaved in the intimate area. This is usually carried out under local anesthesia. You get an anesthetic syringe into the penis root. For the duration of the operation, you can’t feel a pain, but occasionally you can squeeze. But that’s not bad. In the end, I was allowed to look at my freshly cut penis for a first time. After that, the doctor set up a firm association that ensured that no excessive swelling occurred. The bandage came after two days. The wound was dry and closed. Showers were also allowed. After 7 days, the threads dissolved, and the thing was essentially out of place.
I can’t report any restrictions. SB and sex work pretty well.
You’ll get a call and then you’ll be outpatient or in the clinic the op. In most cases, this takes place in general anesthesia, so that the Pat does not move. After that it must heal for about 2 weeks. Then the function is quite normal back at sex. There are no restrictions. Some report that they can longer and the SB is made with gliding gel/cream as it is so more pleasant
General anesthesia is made only for toddlers or for anxiety patients, otherwise only a local anesthesia is made, since it does not strain the body so much
You can choose. I courageously picked up local anesthesia and would only let it be done under general anesthesia. Was not a beautiful experience
But I’m just about
That’s not what it’s all about.
I have no problem with full narcosis, as you have no problem watching OPs
And that’s why you want to expose your body to the full anesthesia?
Of course. Then I get nix mi from the bullet. The pain after that is the same
And you mean it’s more comfortable with a general anesthesia?
It’s not a pain. And I didn’t want to watch
What wasn’t that nice?
I even watched my circumcision, I found it easy. Treatment at the dentist is 99% more painful
With me it was that I had a few days before an investigation where the doctor explained what and where he will cut. On the big day I had to go to the surgery room. Trousers to the knees, hoodie up and then I was stunned. I didn’t feel or see the rest. After that, it was all great. No restrictions.
Hello no,
cut or uncut makes no difference. Cutting is even advantageous because you are no longer hypersensible there!
by Anna
For sexuality not exactly beneficial.
the first time after the op, it must heal everything first.
After that it takes a while to blunt the acorn, which is then free.
Och, the acorn becomes quite fast insensitive
Sex will be a little different, but not limited.
Yeah, you always need a lubricant later.
That’s not true
See Guidelines:
“The Innervation of the foreskin is complex. The somatosensory interior of the pre-skin, the responsible for contact sensitivity and perception of the body position and movement in space (propriozeption) is, is mediated via the dorsal (behind) nerves of the penis as well as proportionally via the perineal nerves. It is fed like the autonomous innervation of sympathetic and parasympathic fibers from the lumbosacralis (a nerve mesh of the front spinal nerves of the lumbosacralis lumbosa). Some of these autonomous nerve paths extend adjacent to the urethra or through its wall. The absorption of mechanical stimuli takes place in a number of specialized nerve endings, which are found in large numbers in the foreskin. Meißner tactiles react above all to fast, Merkel[1]bodys respond to slow pressure changes and father-pacini bodies convey the vibration sensation. Free nerve endings (nozizeptors) in the foreskin convey the sensation of pain. In relation to the foreskin, the acorn itself is relatively poor at probes, which suggests, that the foretaste of sexual sensations plays an important role (Cold 1999). In this case, the so-called ribbed band (Taylors Band, Ridged Band, Cingulus rugosus) which is located in the inner pre-skin leaf for the sexual[1]sensitive function plays an important role. It is found as a continuation of the Frenulum and is characterized by special nerve richness (Taylor et al., 1996). The blood circulation of the foreskin is extremely rich. Within Mucosa a pronounced vascular plexus is found, which firstly explains the comparatively high post-bleeding rate after circulatory ions, On the other hand, it may be necessary to produce a liquid film, similar to the mucous membrane of vagina and vulva. The good circulation, a high phagocyte and lysozyme content of the liquid film, as well as the Langerhans giant cells located in the epidermis also give the preputium an immunological role (Lee-Huang 1999, de Witte 2007….”
Yes, there is no natural fluid.
And what does this statement have to do with sliding gel now?
There are no advantages for circumcision, on the contrary (see my explanations). The only one who has an advantage in months is the surgeon.
You can also make SB without sliding gel if you are completely trimmed
If everything is healed, there are no restrictions
…if it goes wrong, you’ve got it…. most of the time, it’s okay, like many surgery.
hä 😂