Beschneidung notwendige Dokumente?

Hallo zusammen, ich möchte mich beschneiden lassen doch mir fehlen paar Details. Erstens wenn ich nun dort hingehe um mich von dem Arzt zu untersuchen, was muss ich für Dokumente mitbringen? Das ist meine erste OP in meinem Leben und ich möchte mich dort net doof anstellen😅

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2 years ago

Why do you want to cut yourself? If there is no medical need, I’d think about it again. In this case, circumcision has more disadvantages than advantages (if not only disadvantages). But if you want to stay there, consider the style you want to trim (high or low, tight or loose). Boys’ questions have just made a video:

And then I’d go to the doctor for the first time, look at your foreskin and advise you what style would be possible and what you want. You just need your insurance card. You can also clarify everything else for the operation, costs, etc, and he will also tell you what you need for the surgery.

2 years ago

You should own an insurance card

Either you’re wearing your concern with your family doctor or make an appointment with the urologist

Then you’ll give the doctor your concern

2 years ago

Good decision!
can recommend it to everyone.
Take another mute with 🤩

2 years ago
Reply to  Swissdany

Why recommend?

2 years ago

Health card and mouth to talk should be enough for the beginning

2 years ago

Health insurance card is enough.

2 years ago

The insurance card.
Let it only be done if it is medically necessary!!

2 years ago

You only need your insurance card, and if you’re not full-year, the consent of your parents