
Also ich bin 15 und habe heute in 1 woche meine Beschneidung ich verkopfe mich total wegen den schmerzen danach wie ist das mit erketion usw. bekommt man da Tabletten gegen die Erektion weil ich hab keine lust das die Nähte reißen und außerdem stelle ich mir die schmerzen echt schlimm vor und auch die umegwöhnung der Eichel macht mir sorgen hat einer erfahrung und kann mir helfen und sagen wie schmerzhaft das alles war und auch wegen der Erektion?

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2 years ago

You’re afraid to bear a lot of pain, I can tell you it’s not that way. You get a remedy whether as a pill or in the form of a syringe against erection during surgery and after that the pain is to be sustained in an erection. One to two weeks you have to expect slight pain after that everything is over. As far as the free-lying acorns are concerned, I do not advise you to wear boxershorts but slips.

2 years ago


  1. no there is no means against an erection.
  2. It can be painful in any case.
  3. close tear is possible, you cannot prevent it either.
  4. the circumcision usually runs so that it is made within one day, without overnight stay.
  5. after the intervention about 3 days connected
  6. the reconciliation that you no longer have pre-skin, and the pain reconciliation together can take about 3 weeks or more.


Great success at the appointment

2 years ago

I had as good as zero pain, only erections have been a bit sceptical.

First it was really unpleasant at the acorn, but that was ok after a few days and then somehow almost pleasant 😁

Whether there are pills for erection, I don’t know. You can ask the doctor.

I didn’t find it so wild with the nightly erections. If it happens, you just have to put your cum down on the shaft and push the skin towards the seam. This relieves and does not hurt anymore.

Torn for seam and so I had to consider a bit, but with me was glued and that was also held, there are probably more safe threads.

Actually, I found the worst thing about the whole thing that you have to get good 14 days without SB and sex for 4 weeks.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ibrok1427

Everyone perceives this differently, of course, but normally you always get too much crazy ðŸ ̃‚

2 years ago

Is the amputation of the foreskin really necessary?

Phimosis is not a reason for direct circumcision, as there are much better treatment methods that should be used first.

First of all, stretch therapy. It is thus optimal to carry out a stretch therapy under medical instructions and, if necessary, the use of a corresponding ointment. If the stretch therapy does not bring the necessary success, then there are still pre-sustained surgical methods – TripleIncision, in which only the opening of the preliminary skin is enlarged.

Just don’t let you get over to a circumcision in advance! Cutting is only necessary in very few exceptional cases.

Undoubtedly, get a second medical opinion and ask them directly for pre-skin-maintaining treatment methods.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ibrok1427

With very many, stretch therapy leads to a lasting success.

In addition, if the fore skin is sufficiently stretched, then it is normal to push it backwards during erection and you can do it yourself as a few times a day as possible (SB). If it is pushed back every day, I don’t think it’s getting tighter.

2 years ago

I was trimmed with 19 and had no pain.If you have one, there are also painkillers.Don’t worry about the seams that already hold.Means against erections there was no problem with me.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ibrok1427

I’ve heard that there’s something like that Must you ask the doc

2 years ago

I had a head at that time, but it was less bad than feared.

I hardly had erections the first few days and if, then not so violent. The seams draw a bit when you put yourself on the side, in the embryonic position, you take the tension additionally. You don’t get meds normally.

The first 80% of the customization of the acorn go quite fast. After a few days, it’s quite normal in most situations. Until I got used to it, it took several weeks. So until I have been reminiscent of the free Eicgel, jogging, swimming and so on.

Come on!

2 years ago

The first two days you don’t notice taking painkillers on demand and cool much with coolaku

2 years ago

Is there no alternative treatment options? Better get a second thought before the best piece is nipped! Against the pain, you will get painkillers and get used to the feeling of free acorn.

Please get a second opinion. There are good alternative methods. Dehntherapoe with ointment, Fremulum breve (preskin ribbon is shortened/separated).

Let yourself be advised.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ibrok1427

How many doctors did that look? And can the foreskin even withdraw?

2 years ago

What do your parents say? They have to decide