Besatzdichte und Panzerwelsanzahl im Aquarium?
ich habe ein 120 Aquarium von der Firma JUWEL mit den Maßen L: 61, B:41 und H: 58cm. Habe zurzeit 8 Mollys und 6 Platys drinnen. Bin ich jetzt an meiner Besatzdichte angelangt oder könnte ich auf die Grundfläche noch 5-6 Panda Panzerwelse reinsetzten?
Danke im voraus
It is possible to hold 9 or 10 pandas on the basin surface. You can do that in principle. Disadvantaged
That’s why this is a “mja” combination. 3- 4+
if the ground floor is suitable means fine and round-grained, it should not fail, so yes!
The ground floor is very fine gravel with a diameter of 1mm. My concerns were that the base area would not be sufficient as this aquarium is an aquarium in box format.
These concerns, you can forget, but as @Grobbeldopp writes, the device should also fit!
Since neither Mollys nor Platys swim ground-oriented, there is enough space on the ground floor for a school of armored catfish.
Always assumed it is fine round gravel or sand.
But for the Mollys, the AQ is too small.
That means about 5 bullets?
5-6 Corys are too few. To make them feel comfortable, the group should consist of at least 10 animals.