Besatzdichte und Panzerwelsanzahl im Aquarium?


ich habe ein 120 Aquarium von der Firma JUWEL mit den Maßen L: 61, B:41 und H: 58cm. Habe zurzeit 8 Mollys und 6 Platys drinnen. Bin ich jetzt an meiner Besatzdichte angelangt oder könnte ich auf die Grundfläche noch 5-6 Panda Panzerwelse reinsetzten?

Danke im voraus

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4 years ago


It is possible to hold 9 or 10 pandas on the basin surface. You can do that in principle. Disadvantaged

  1. Furnishing rarely fits as it is already really good for the armored velvet (understands in hut form where all of them pass and where you can look out to several sides, e.g. jacked roots or jacked slates or jacked flat stones, free sand, sand significantly better than gravel, because green)
  2. You have to make sure they get enough food, but then you feed the Mollys and Platys unnecessarily much. What their stock can also increase.

That’s why this is a “mja” combination. 3- 4+

4 years ago


if the ground floor is suitable means fine and round-grained, it should not fail, so yes!

4 years ago
Reply to  DripMinista

These concerns, you can forget, but as writes, the device should also fit!

4 years ago


4 years ago

Since neither Mollys nor Platys swim ground-oriented, there is enough space on the ground floor for a school of armored catfish.

Always assumed it is fine round gravel or sand.

But for the Mollys, the AQ is too small.

4 years ago

5-6 Corys are too few. To make them feel comfortable, the group should consist of at least 10 animals.