Besatz für 110l bzw. 120l Becken?

Ich überlege mir Anfang nächsten Jahres ein Aquarium zuzulegen welches entweder 110l oder 120l groß ist und möchte schon etwas vorausplanen, auch was den Besatz angeht. Allerdings fallen mir noch keine Fische ein.

Deswegen wollte ich mal fragen, was für Fische Ihr mir empfehlen könntet. Es gibt sicherlich “Anfängerfische”, Fische welche eben nicht zu schwere Haltungsbedingungen haben, womit auch ein Neueinsteiger wie ich keine allzu großen Probleme hätte.

Natürlich hab ich jetzt noch keine pH Werte oder sonstiges parat, aber es würde mich trotzdem freuen wenn ihr Vorschläge hättet welche Fische man dort halten könnte.

Ich danke für alle hilfreichen Antworten 🙂

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4 years ago


Generally, you cannot keep all fish in any aquarium.

Beginner fish there is imho not really, you can start with any fishing. There are many possibilities. However, as a beginner, I would pay attention to one thing: The fish should eat art food in principle. But most do.

Another thing is the behaviour of the fish. It may be better for some people to start with a group of fish, where there can be no behavioural problems (absorption/killing). So, in particular, consider whether there must be equally larger mazefish or crayonfish… if then best the most peaceful of it in group keeping. (Trichopsis pumila/ Trichogaster chuna at the labyrinths; Anomalochromis thomasi or Apistogramma borelli at the buntbarschen).

Just hold one or two fish species, a maximum of 3 that fit well. Don’t put fish. Use fish as rare as possible. The resetting of fish from different origins is risky and a frequent beginners mistake.

Decide for a fish occupancy and adjust the pelvis completely afterwards.

Beware of Lido 120- these basins are visually often not so the Burner because most people do not use the height meaningfully for the design. Better 80 cm basin.

Look at some fish that might interest you, there are many.

4 years ago

Personally, I find gnome extremely cool. For example, have 2 kakadu zwergbuntbarsche and 2 smetterlings zwergbuntbarsche together in my 180l and my kakadus often get babys. For beginners, both would be something because they are not very demanding (also when laughing) but everyone has to know for themselves what fish he finds most beautiful or most interesting. :

4 years ago

110l or 120l large

How long is the pool? Basin of this volume class is made as standard both cube-like with 60cm length and longer stretched with 80cm length. For almost all fish long basins have great advantages, while the height of a cube for the animals offers little benefit and brings challenges to the owner in design.

4 years ago

the absolute beginners fish with light care is probably the guppy …and a few catfishes .. he eats everything .. swims a lot around and more like evil 😉

4 years ago
Reply to  Floppyline

Guppys are best kept without supplements. Pure guppy pools are easy to maintain, social pools with Guppys often make problems.

4 years ago
Reply to  eieiei2

ach was… I’ve got 3 litters since December and ne handful of garnel inside.. these are the best mates