Beruhigungsmittel senken Blutdruck?


Wenn man etwas zum entspannen nimmt wie Beispielsweise gaba, welches auch den Blutdruck senkt, macht das dann automatisch blass?

Gibt’s auch etwas das entspannt und nicht den Blutdruck senkt?

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7 months ago

Most of the medicines for relaxation have no direct influence on blood pressure. So, they do not use effective mechanisms that normally use blood pressure sinks like the hormone ACE or via alpha receptors. But of course, someone who is very unreleased may increase stress and stress hormones such as adrenaline or cortisol naturally in turn the blood pressure. It is therefore conceivable that only by relaxing the blood pressure drops – and this effect cannot be avoided if you tend to high blood pressure under stress.

In turn, pales do not automatically come through low blood pressure, but due to poor blood circulation. It’s not the same. People with very high blood pressure can also have poor blood circulation or otherwise. But yes, at some point, blood pressure may be so low that everyone will be pale. And then, of course, it doesn’t matter what lowers blood pressure. Normally, SO is perceived as threatening by the body, but it will take measures to fix it.

7 months ago
Reply to  doschlunger

I think such a, just color reaction has more to do with skin bleeding than with blood pressure. If you leave KANN will certainly indicate a systemic problem, but does not have to. You can also be pale with high blood pressure. Of course, it would be rather red.

7 months ago

Yes, but that sounds more like a vegetative reaction with shutting down the circuit, which is then not a “fight and flight” reaction, as it usually occurs in stress.