Berufsfindung/Sinnkrise mit 32?


ich bin 32 Jahre alt und stecke in einer tiefen beruflichen und persönlichen Krise. Nach meiner kaufmännischen Ausbildung habe ich verschiedene Jobs gemacht, aber überall negative Erfahrungen gesammelt, insbesondere durch Mobbing und toxische Arbeitsumgebungen. Diese Erlebnisse haben mich stark belastet, zu gesundheitlichen Problemen geführt und eine tiefe Abneigung gegen die Arbeitswelt in mir verankert.

Um mich neu zu orientieren, habe ich mehrere Studiengänge begonnen und wieder abgebrochen. Momentan studiere ich Erziehungswissenschaften, aber ich bin unsicher, ob das der richtige Weg ist. Ich bin sehr sensibel, verliere schnell die Motivation, und das sich “sozialisieren müssen” auf der Arbeit strengt mich an. Ein kürzliches Coaching hat ergeben, dass ich weder im kaufmännischen noch im sozialen Bereich wirklich geeignet bin, sondern eher in kreativen Feldern. Aber auch diese Perspektive wirkt auf mich nicht zufriedenstellend, da ja der Broterwerb in diesen Feldern nicht so rosig ist.

Ich stehe nun vor der Entscheidung, mein Studium fortzusetzen oder einfach in meinen Ausbildungsberuf zurückzukehren und irgendwo irgendwie weiterzumachen. Gleichzeitig habe ich Angst, dass sich die negativen Erfahrungen wiederholen. Ich habe einfach keine klare Vision und fühle mich von der Aussicht auf ein Arbeitsleben voller Verpflichtungen und Erwartungen überfordert. Ich weiß nicht, wie ich mit dieser Situation umgehen soll und habe große Angst, die falsche Entscheidung zu treffen.

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7 months ago

You lack resilience. It doesn’t matter what profession you get if you’re not ready to bite you. In the beginning it is always hard and exhausting, even the colleagues have to get to know and understand how to deal with them.

If you always throw the towel, it won’t work, especially as your resume gets worse and worse. Don’t be a secret. A job-hopper, which constantly starts and goes back, is also received accordingly.

There are already bets in the college, how long you’ll be staying. That’s not nice, but reality.

7 months ago

Well, what can you serve? What skills and special features do you bring?

I think you’re still very caught in your sacrificial role = everything else is guilt and I’m so sensitive. Learn to look for people in a working environment that will do you good – yes, there are! Even though some colleagues are really fucked, I don’t want to argue. Furthermore, I recommend that you look for a not so soft-washed coach, but one that really helps you. As written further down, you need a certain resilience, otherwise you don’t hold it.

Good luck!

7 months ago

So, when I read about difficulties socially interacting, the study course of education looks as completely fatal! You don’t just have to get social with colleagues later, but you are also responsible for the socialization of children and have to act with the parents.
Just find something else.

7 months ago

Maybe a therapy would be useful to deal with your fears better. Alongside this, there are also a lot of self-help books, how to get better understood in everyday life, overcome fears, better come clear with people. NLP, for example. Internships are good to see where your strengths lie. You can also acquire skills. Then you have to work on yourself. Where a will is, there is also a way. I hope you can handle what happened to you in the past and find what is fun for you.

Another little comment: People can be really mean, keep in mind that it is not up to you when others are ill-behavior – but always on them. It was also extreme at a job where I was. Everyone talked badly about everyone there, the boss threw Brötchen on a colleague because he had asked him for a free day. The boss was probably so overwhelmed with all the sickness days of the others. So don’t go to my colleague. The boss went into therapy after that. Sometimes you just get bad luck. Don’t let you go.

7 months ago

everywhere negative experiences collected, in particular by bullying and toxic working environments

Everywhere? Then ask yourself if it was actually on the other