Beruf wo man viel verdient und reist?
Hallo ich bin auf der Suche nach einem technischen Beruf wo man selbständig ohne ein riesen großes risiko viel Geld verdienen kann also so mindestens 15k und wo man viel reist also wo man zbs 1-2 Jahre in Amerika leben muss danach 1-2 Jahre in England in Asien usw danke im voraus
I used to hold software training. I flew throughout Europe (sometimes also in the USA) and gave lectures, trainings, etc.
That was very exhausting, but it was fun, I got a lot around and it was very well paid!
In the USA I asked $350 per participant / per day!
20 participants = $7,000 a day… 5 days (mo-fr) = $35,000.
But that was only gross merit: travel + and co. (flight, accommodation, catering, mixing, work material, advertising, tax, etc.) you must of course take off!
Risk was zero! Did you know how to do this and what I do and ultimately it was just a service? So, time against money!
If the 15K refer to the monthly salary, I absolutely do not know a “learnable” job that meets these criteria by default.
I think that you have to be in an elevated position of the management of a larger company and do a job you can do on the go.
I want to say: I don’t have a flat rate. Could get in any industry from a certain position and the possibility of remote work. And Remote Work does not involve any craftsmanship but activities that can be done with computers and the Internet.
Yes I am looking for technical professions like Hedgfond Manager or Business Advisor
These are not technical professions. Technical professions can be exercised remotely in the least cases.
Pilot project
Professional sports
Pope Francis
Captain of the Sea
I mean technical professions like business consultants maybe Hedgfond Manager etc
As a pilot, we usually earn keone 15K as a fleet manager
As politicians only in the leading ranks of federal policy
As Pope anyway
As captain to the lake quite certainly also not
Business consultant is not a technical profession. You may mean something like computer scientists, software developers, where you can earn a lot and afford it, to travel in his spare time.
Otherwise, something like soldier, actor, director, historian, stuntman, agent at BND, commissioner at BKA comes to mind
yes I am my professions like software developer or computer scientist
Then it makes sense to complete a computer science study until the master. It’s gonna be a hard buck.
Absolutely everyone can become independent, also a ruler at net.
Can computer scientists become self-employed?
There is no independent risk. Even little effort and a lot of free time you won’t find anything after your performance.