bereut ihr Abitur ?
Frage steht oben
bereut ihr das ihr Abitur gemacht hab, weil viele sagen, die schon Abitur gemacht haben, dass es unnötig war
Frage steht oben
bereut ihr das ihr Abitur gemacht hab, weil viele sagen, die schon Abitur gemacht haben, dass es unnötig war
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No, I don’t regret Abi either, not my studies…
For me personally, education is also more than just the way to a job. It is a personal enrichment.
Especially Abi acquires a broad knowledge, but also shapes vocabulary/physical understanding, etc… I probably wouldn’t have dealt with some things voluntarily, but they’ve shaped me.
In my studies, I then chose courses that I found exciting – although I knew I would never need that.
I didn’t even study, but I still got it. I can choose any course I’ve got badges and I don’t need anything to catch up. I am currently a specialist and would like to become a child and youth psychotherapist. In addition, the topics in the Abi were interesting (only teachers were not good).
Don’t regret it.
No, I never regret education. I did an education I don’t need an Abi, but still it’s good for the CV.
How far is Abi education? If you’ve learned so much, can you probably call some examples?
For example, I learned that “to what extent” is written together.
So no appreciable examples. I was thinking.
Thank you for supporting me again!
That was absolutely not unnecessary. I couldn’t have studied without my grade. I’d do it the same again.
I didn’t study, but I guess I wouldn’t have come to my industry with an education without a subject.
So, no. I don’t regret it.
Because it gave me time. At 16 I didn’t even know where I wanted what I wanted to do later.
Even after training and subsequent studies, I was not ready. Which also led me to stop studying.
No, you couldn’t just study
No, it was good and right.
In this way, I had a knowledge advantage in the training of crafts, in the master school and in the course of tens of training.
No, of course not!
The Abitur is the key to most highly interesting and very well paid professions.
They’re kidding you.
Or do they want to comfort you because you didn’t make it?
A very subjective opinion from the comfort zone.
Absolutely not, I’ve experienced something similar. A friend of mine was prevented from doing psychological problems and couldn’t do any Abi. Now he leads a successful hairdresser salon and deserves more than as good as any of the Abi has. He’s very happy about it…
You again!
Then there’s a lot of nonsense to laugh.
Oh, it’s you. Should have read the name before…