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Yeah, about the wild boars. Theoretically you can also meet wolves in my area. I haven’t seen anyone myself yet.
Yeah, so it’s safer with me if you do two or so go somewhere.😅✨👻
LG Maike
I don’t care if my service dogs accompany me or if I go alone.
Nor do I have a problem with being alone in the forest at any time of the night, within the scope of hunting protection.
I’m always the most dangerous that’s on my way, whether in my area, at night in the forest or otherwise where
I live in Zurich, clearly there are also areas that are called something, but in the whole, especially where we live I have no concerns at all.
Otherwise I wouldn’t live here.
Not even because of the glass shards lying around here, the street lighting is enough here.
at worst, the neighboring cat runs over you and bets for strings
Oh my God this is very dangerous!!! So if you have an appointment… It’s gonna take hours to get the cat cuddled….
I have no problems walking in my neighborhood at any time…😊😊😊
I don’t do it anyway.
However, I did this when I lived in the so-called Problemviertel Dortmunder Nordstadt…
I live in a rural environment
No problem. But I always sleep at this time.
Why would it? And why are you asking about midnight, not at 11:00, or at 3:00 in the morning?
At midnight the street lights go out with us. I’ll be creepy. Especially if I forgot my flashlight
No one can know this. So your question is if you’re afraid to walk outside without street lighting.
I’d rather keep it general. Others may have other problems with the night, such as the answer with wild boars and wolves.
Yes lol 😂