unzwar war ich gerade draußen spazieren und da kam eine Katze zu mir und wollte gestreichelt werden und habe es gestreichelt und ein Bild gemacht. Dann kam aufeinmal die Besitzerin zu mir und war sehr sauer, sie sagt das ich ihre Katze nicht anfassen soll und auch niemals Bilder machen soll. Ist es strafbar von einer Katze bilder zu machen? Und wieso war sie so sauer ?
No, I don’t think it’s bad to care for a free-goer, not at all when he asks for it.
probably the woman overreacted. She doesn’t know you, and maybe she painted out, you want to steal the cat or do something to her…
Some people are just weird.
I don’t think it’s criminal, why should it be, a cat has no data protection.
omggg. So I went to walk with my most beautiful cat close to apartments, and a woman went out of her apartment to caress our cat and asked us for details about her!!
This woman, on the other hand, is very funny…
Animals have no rights in the picture.. So you can do what you want with the picture.
Why she was so mad, I don’t know. Some are quite weird.
Hey, can be that she thought you’d like to steal the cat, unfortunately, that’s a lot of going on with free-goers.