Berechnung der Wärmemenge?
Hallo, ich habe in Physik eine Aufgabe zur Wärmelehre, die ich leider nicht lösen kann. Kann mir jemand bei der folgenden Aufgabe den Lösungsweg erklären? Als Ergebniss kommt laut Lösung 956,9 Kubikmeter rauskommen. Wie man darauf kommt, weiß ich leider nicht.
(Bild durch den Support entfernt)
Because of the efficiency, the required thermal energy is:
On the other hand, the energy can be calculated from the temperature difference ΔT, the specific heat capacity “c” of water and the mass “m” of the water:
(This was used: m = ρ·V)
Equate the right sides of both equations and convert them to V:
To the denominator – The “2 K” come from:
The numbers entered the calculator and the searched result comes out.
And what is the volume V at V • p?
Why did you convert the 1.5% to 0.015?
1,5% = 1,5 * 1/100 = 0.015.
It is really annoying that you don’t teach anyone at school that the % sign means nothing different than * 1/100.
And what is the volume V at V • p?
The set does not make any sense, because the result of the whole exercise is to calculate the volume (=narrow of the conspirated water in m3).
Please read the answer – All numbers are here! V= …. this is each individual number including unit. And I’m not gonna write it back. They are even in the order they are in the denominator.
Perhaps you could tell me in concrete terms, so with figures you can use this formula (Q=cw⋅m⋅ΔT=cw⋅ρ⋅V⋅ ΔT) would have to tap into the TR? I think that would be clearer 🙉.