Benzin auf der Haut?
Guten Abend zusammen,
Ich war heute auf dem Weg zu einem Schützenfest und habe vorher eben getankt. Da ich in meinem Roller immer einen kleinen 0,5L Kanister dabei habe, der nachgefüllt werden musste, habe ich denk Verkäufer an der Tankstelle gefragt, ob er einen Trichter hat. Hatte er nicht. Jedenfalls habe ich dann dummerweise versucht, den Zapfhahn nur ganz leicht zu betätigen, um den Kanister in den er nicht reinpasste zu befüllen.
Ende der Geschichte war, dass ich etwa 0,5l zusätzlich bezahlen musste von denen wenn es hoch kommt 0,3l im Kanister gelandet sind. Einiges davon kam auf meine Hände und ich habe natürlich beim befüllen auch etwas eingeatmet. Da ich danach noch zum Schützenfest wollte habe ich meine Hände erstmal nicht gewaschen.
Nun zu meiner Frage:
Ist es gefährlich, Benzin in kleineren Mengen auf die Hand zu bekommen, wenn diese nicht sofort gewaschen werden kann?
Ist der Dampf den man innerhalb von einer halben Minute dabei einatmet gefährlich für den Körper?
(Unabhängig von der Story): Mein Roller raucht hinten sehr stark raus. Er stand jetzt zwei Wochen, das ist allerdings immer so wenn er nicht gerade eine Stunde eingefahren wurde. Zudem habe ich auf dem Rückweg einige mir nicht erklärbare Lichthupen von hinten erhalten. Woran könnte das liegen?
Einen angenehmen Abend und vielen Dank im Voraus für jede Antwort
Everyone knows that gasoline contains benzene and this benzene is harmful to health when inhaling and can also be easily absorbed by the body over the skin – appropriate warnings are therefore found on the (most) pump columns….
In addition to diesel, the pump pistols are equipped with a gas recirculation that sucks off the benzene vapours and, since April 1, 2003, this gas recirculation must be monitored automatically.
In the event of a disturbance of the gas recirculation, a pumping column automatically adjusts the operation until after the repair, if this has not occurred within 72 stalls.
This effort is carried out, because of the danger of benzene and against this background, it is incomprehensible that you did not take the few minutes to wash your hands – the possibility you would have had at the gas station….
“The amount makes the poison…” you say and if you are more careful in the future, the small amount of gasoline will not harm you.
As far as your scooter’s torment is concerned, it will probably have been the reason that individual drivers behind you have operated the light horn because they felt disturbed.
Because you know how much your scooter is (already longer) and your mother’s cousin is a two-wheeled mechanic, he should look urgently after the scooter – you avoid typing not only light horn, but also indicating you for the forbidden excessive exhaust gas development of your scooter. (§30 StVO)
I’m not sure what smoke is normal. When the scooter is cold, a lot of white smoke is normal as far as I know was the same at my scooter from the driving school. When driving, I do not see excessive smoke development, but the smoke is visible anyway
It is logical that a two-stroke oil burns and therefore the exhaust gases are visible but only within limits.
If the engine is still cold, there is more smoke and when the engine is warm it leaves – it should be so.
But you had written – you remember – in your question that you have “don’t get enlightenable light horns from behind” and at the same time mention that your scooter smokes very strongly….
After all, it would be possible that the agony was the reason for the “non-explainable light horns”….
No, these relatively low points of contact with petrol are not dangerous.
I don’t know what’s wrong with your vehicle, and I would strongly recommend that you visit the workshop.
The cousin of my mom is a two-wheeled mechanic, I can save the gear to the workshop. Is that a reason to worry that there’s a lot going out in the back? All naturally from the exhaust and not from the wrong place..😂
If this is harmful to the vehicle, the cousin will tell you. Bad for the environment is all – and as a result the police could also notice.
Sounds like a canister for RC model cars. 🤣
From the smell alone, you want to wash your hands and probably almost every gas station also offers a toilet.
So actually I find the smell quite horny, I would never intentionally inhale it so directly 😂
No, it’s not bad.
I’ve often had gasoline on my skin. I’m sure I’ve been breathing in just as much.
And it’s been shot in my eyes from a standing tank.
I’m far over 40 now and skin is OK and eyes still see.
How are your eyes?
20 years ago. At the moment when it happened, it hurt so badly that I first worshipped. It was also good to rinse.
My eyes work normally, only meanwhile, I need a reading glasses.
Cooking hot gasoline? Sounds like stories from the Paulan garden.
Do you know the old petrol-driven Wacker demolition hammers?
At the beginning of Total Recall, Arnie works with the electric variant (but more modern) of it.
The old people had no pretty plastic cladding.
The tank was on top of the engine and gearbox housing. The tanks were in plastic and aluminum.
I had to take one with alutank.
These devices were equipped with a blunt, block-shaped chisel at DB AG in order to plug ballasts below the web thresholds.
There was a vent screw on the tank cover. I hadn’t turned it up because I used to it that it’s always open.
After half an hour, the fuel was heated by the engine so that pressure was generated in the tank. As a result, the motor could not go out, because of negative pressure, because of closed venting.
At some point, the tank lid ripped off and flew with a huge cargo of fuel and I got it in the face and in the eyes.
It burned hell in my eyes and I started crying out of pain.
Unfortunately, there were no eye wash bottles at the construction site. OK, there was only the KFZ bandage box. But what should he do? So I sat in the gravel (where I was led by my colleagues) so I woke up with my handkerchief on the face. At some point, someone put a mineral water bottle in my hand.
Could I imagine that this could also have consequences. But it’s good that nothing else happened
You will die….
Yes, I think