Benutzung des Fartenschreibers bis 3,5 Tonnen Privat Pflicht?

Ich habe einen alten Mercedes 407d düdo mit eingebautem Fahrtenschreiber gekauft

Ich habe vor diesen Herzurichten und ihn auf 3,5 Tonnen anzulasten um mit ihm privat zu fahren

Meine Frage muss ich den eingebauten Fahrtenschreiber benutzen?

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5 years ago

If you’re driving commercially, you’ll have to use it. In the range from 2.8 to 3.5 tons of total weight, handwritten records (so-called “Lügenbuch”) would also be sufficient. But if a tachograph is installed, it must also be used under 3.5 to. Commercially over 3.5 to only go with tachograph.

If the vehicle is only used privately, you do not have to record up to 7.5 to and do not use the tachograph.

If it is necessary, it must also be checked. It must be tested every 2 years by a specialist workshop and a corresponding test plate must be mounted somewhere on the vehicle (usually on the B-pillar of the driver’s door)

5 years ago
Reply to  1Windows7

In principle, “calibrated” would be the better name. However, since this is not an official calibration, it is carried out by a “powerful workshop according to § 57b”, it is called examination. But from the point of view, it’s like an egg – it’s about the device being properly measured. This must be done every 2 years and is independent of the TÜV or HU

5 years ago

The built-in tachograph is only subject to use if commercial transports are made with trailers.

The tachograph does not need up to 3.5t. The MB probably has one because the one has a trailer coupling. The trailer can come over the 3.5t and then a tachograph can be necessary (but then also only for commercial goods).

5 years ago

You don’t have to use it privately, but you have to check the tacho every 2 years otherwise you get problems with the next TÜV.