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2 years ago


That was not always the case, because once the darker the better!

Then I got skin cancer with 40 years, was cured and from there, there was only sun if it was not to avoid and of course with sunscreen maximum protection factor!

Best regards underdogs969

7 months ago

Somehow, there’s no possibility of it. Most of the time, I’m forgetting to cream me. I’m a bright and rather pale skin type. On holiday or on the beach I always think about it. Today I’ve been crumbled, but stop at 30. My skin is still burning and my head is bruising. That was too much sun, stress, effort and too little sleep.

2 years ago

Last time I used it as a little kid. But never brown as long as I shmore in the sun (:

2 years ago
Reply to  zoeymeu

You get sunburn

2 years ago

Let’s say, I don’t really sound. And since I also spend most of the time indoors and do not stand on the prall sun, sunscreen is usually not necessary for me. But when I made a longer exploration tour with a friend in a large park where there were also larger open spaces and the sun was announced for the day, I used some sun protection just to go safely.

In this respect: No, simply because I’m never so excessive in the sun, but if I don’t mind, I’d use them.

2 years ago

Helo, don’t like sunburn..

So if I go to the outdoor swimming pool or on holiday then use sunscreen (mostly I clap into the face, on shoulders and décolleté, on legs mostly nothing because I don’t get sunburn so fast)

2 years ago

I have to admit that I rarely think about it. That’s why I often run in red.

2 years ago

At least if I deliberately sit in the sun.
I have a very bright skin and get a sunburn quickly.

2 years ago

If I’m outside for more than half an hour, usually.

2 years ago

You should have a cream when you know you’re out.

2 years ago

Keep strong sunlight in the shade.

2 years ago
Reply to  Huflattich

I say to him but I almost always take when I go to the sun in the summer sun cream

2 years ago

Don’t get sunburn, but get brown very quickly.

2 years ago

I hate the feeling of sunscreen on the skin

2 years ago
Reply to  Eyserider

And what about sunburn