Benutzt ihr einen Toaster in eurem alltäglichen Leben?
Wenn ja, warum?
Wie ungesund sind yum yum Nudeln? Also wie viele Fette und so sind da drin?
Habe nicht mehr so viel da. Eine Packung Spaghetti, Zucker, Salz, Pfeffer, Mehl, Margarine und eine Tube Tomatenmark.
Hallo ich bin 14 Jahre alt und wiege um die 50kg und traue mich nicht neues zu probieren. Ich bin gerade im chinesischen Restaurant und esse die ganze Zeit nur pommes und checken Nuggets und würde gerne neues probieren aber spucken immer aus oder habe angst es auszuspucken :(.
2 Scheiben Vollkornbrot (Graham Brot) ( 141 kalorien), 3 Scheiben dünne Hähnchenbrust (22 kalorien), 9 gramm Frischkäse (13 Kalorien), 13 gramm Salat Gurke ( 2 Kalorien) und 50 gramm Salatblätter ( 11 Kalorien). Mir kommt das immer so viel vor, weil das ja 6 Scheiben Brot pro Tag sind und ich Abends immer so aufgebläht…
I have one, but it’s quite old.
I only use it quite rarely.
However, two toast slices fit in side by side and thus also a normal bread slice.
So I occasionally roast normal “Graubrot” and especially like “Zwiebelbrot”.
This significantly increases the flavor intensity of these breads.
This softer bread also becomes a bit harder and more stable.
I also like to do that occasionally. Especially with fresh potato bread.
Yes, daily as long as my friend is still abroad. A whole loaf of bread is not worthwhile for me. Toastbrot is pre-cut and stays for weeks. This is why the toaster is frequently used.
Just to the info:
For bakers, you can also buy “half” breads, or cut-in pieces, and let them cut directly into slices on site.
It is even possible to specify the thickness of the disks.
Yeah, sure. Toastbrot is more comfortable and tasty for me but it is also:)
I know the effect of low-carbon, low-fat fibre food on glucose levels. I eat bread every day, but a little bit. I’ll get ballasts over fruits and vegetables.
Because of the long shelf life, I usually have solid grain bread as a reserve in the cabinet. I like it, but not daily.
But thanks for the tip:)
However, these are fast carbohydrates that do not saturate long.
So you bite more and get hungry again quickly.
Try to add something to your menu occasionally with the right bread.
Use one toast for what else?
Now I loved to ask you what moves you to ask such an ingenious question. Because the sense or better nonsense behind it is a mystery to me.
Not every day, but currently I eat very often Toast
Yes, if the bread is no longer so fresh or I want to eat toast bread.
I’m using a toaster, because it’s very good toast.
Then the toast is warm and delicious.
No, I don’t eat toast or generally bread
If I want to eat a toast bread then yes. And I like to eat Toastbrot!
Yes to my 8 toast bread the day to toast
Eat a pack on the day 😂😂😂
Chicken that would be much too much
Well, I know someone who slept eight fillets a day. Probably still.
I doubt that anyone 8 Toastbrote on the day eats xd
How to see irony here, that can be possible that you are so much toast…where should I know your BMI, you pretend to know that?
That’s what that means, anyway… hm wait let me think again… oh yes irony;) I have a bmi of 14 so joa keep me from toast generally rather far xd
But 8 toasts are half a pack, definitely too much for daily consumption, you should know that because in your profile stands: knowledge – nutrition & diet
Yeah, I use it.
Yes, this morning the last time.
Yes, every day to toast bread
yes, mainly in the bathtub
That’s what you do
well, if you have unloved family members also more often…
eif on stock buy
Even then not because the toaster is then over
About Toast
Not all day, but from time to time, I’m gonna eat bread.
We occasionally use a toaster.
Because we’d rather eat Toastbrot.
We used a toaster from time to time.
Yes for baking rolls and toast.