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1 year ago

I have been using an electric toothbrush for many years and I am very satisfied. Cleaning is more effective between teeth, it is more convenient and faster. They are also programmed so that they cannot damage the gum. The sound really doesn’t bother me, even if I’m a badly-tempered person in the morning, and the electric toothbrush is a great help because it doesn’t require any effort and you don’t normally have the power in the morning.

Yeah, she’s a bit more expensive than a normal toothbrush, but you just pay once and she has a very long life. My whole family uses it and it lasts at least 6 years and the brush part can be easily replaced.

1 year ago

Hand toothbrush. Didn’t have an advantage of electric. They are also much more expensive. (Also the part in itself plus regularly the attachments)

1 year ago

Only normal toothbrush, could never really be friends with the electric – even if it should be more thorough.

Noises generally get on my nerves in the morning – yes, I am a morning muffle to the 2nd cup of coffee

1 year ago

Ultrasound and manual

You wanted more details. I’m super happy with my electrics. I think she’s brighter. At the beginning, however, it has been a bit of a bit, but after about 4-5 days it became better. You should never press, some toothbrushes warn you by vibration. She also vibrates after you’re done with the quadrant. I think a lot too short, you know how long you should clean.

Mine used to cost over 230€. The battery lasts almost 10 years. I’ll take them on vacation. 3 weeks without shop is usually not a problem. But you also have a USB cable where you could load it. If she stands in the glass, she will be charged. She also has a charging stop.

I sometimes use the manual for business trips or tongue cleaning. Got another sniper. Or if you want to apply Elmex jelly, sometimes the ultrasound will sweep me too much.

There are also different programmes. Differently intense.

1 year ago

I also take a sound toothbrush; about every 2 days.

1 year ago

With an electric one, because it cleanses the teeth significantly better 🙂

1 year ago


I’ve been using an electric toothbrush for many years.

Initially with a round brush attachment, but then with an elongated brush attachment, as with a “normal” toothbrush.

“Manually” I’m just cleaning when the battery is empty.

And I have a (still packed) classic toothbrush as an additional “reserve” in the cabinet.



1 year ago

For many years we have an electric one, but a normal one is always there for the reserve if the electric one fails. If the batteries slowly give up the mind they will be recharged in the morning, they will be full again for the evening. The brush part is quickly changed as soon as the bristles have a certain white portion, it is pulled off and the new one is put on. We are very satisfied with this

1 year ago

Use only one hand toothbrush, is most convenient and is sufficient with little use.

1 year ago

Hand. habit and not annoying noise.

1 year ago

Use a handtoothbrush, somehow makes no difference for me