Benutzt ihr eher Bohnen aus der Dose oder getrocknete?
Marke egal
Marke egal
Das Glas Honig ist schon länger offen und jetzt riecht der Honig plötzlich nach Alkohol. Kann man das noch verspeisen??
Also ich habe eine Frage über wie Gramm doch immer auf den Verpackungen steht egal was für essen es ist. Zum Beispiel habe ich hier eine Süßigkeitenverpackung wo drauf steht das es 400 Gramm ist. Heißt das also wenn du nur eine Süßigkeit rausnimmst und es isst hast du 400 Gramm gegessen oder sind die…
Die Südfrucht namens Kaki nach was schmeckt diese Frucht.?
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Hallöchen 🙂 Mein Partner und ich fahren morgen nach Bremen und ich habe schon Restaurant gesehen aber vielleicht hat ja jemand so einen Geheimtipp für ein uriges Restaurant mit deftiger Küche. So Roulade oder Gulasch oder sowas eben . Die meisten lokale auf Google sind super, aber manchmal kennt ja jemand einen Laden der eher…
Admitted to submit beans is too tedious to me. If it has to go fast then a can, but I prefer to use frozen food.
However, both dried are more favorable, more time or paving is required in order to prepare them.
I therefore have a quick cooker
That’s the question! Which are cheaper? 500g dry beans are ready for use?
Until the pandemic, there were 500g Kidney ́s for 99Ct in the supermarkets.
From 500 grams of dried beans you get 1 kilo of boiled beans. I always buy them in Turkish business. But never Kidney Beans
Ok – it goes faster from the can, but regardless of it I find the dried more practical. If you are cheaper, you need less space in the closet and if you plan your cookery a bit, the soaking time is hardly important. Apart from that, there is no such amount of can waste. But we do this more with peas, mushrooms etc.
What is this for a chili, without the ingredients long exchange mutual flavors in a pan! Perhaps also with wort granules premixed by Maggi.
Cooking can be so simple, completely without premixtures of chemical giants.
That’s right.
Too bad that so simple foods such as beans, peas, mushrooms, potatoes sometimes (!) are already among the endangers in cooking in people of today’s youth. Is it their mistakes? – No – they just never saw it or too rarely different.
I remember the recipes of my mother-in-law “there was a bit of potatoes, cook them softly, stamp them, do a little milk in, salt ran and there you have potato stuff.”
Nothing about information in micrograms and tenths. No precise adjustment of the stove – that went on wooden stoves.
I use both. Depending on what I cook the dried or those from the can. Always have at home in the closet on stock
I’m already happy with simple things. If I were cook, I’d get some fresh.
Just taste better than the one from the can. But everyone feels different.
Just make hot and ready:-)
Dried beans take much less space and you can make them more variable. For example, do not cook or cook half for frying, vegan burgers and bulettes.
Both, even from the can, should go faster, but rather red or black beans.
I don’t like beans very much. If, then only dried beans. Is more effort, but taste better.
Cooking much faster.
Beans from the can.
Neither nor: young princess beans, blanched in black forests ham packed and briefly fried around…
Honestly, you’re good, that presupposes that the questioner could cook. Do not warm convenience or permanent food …
But delicious;o)
Eat me if others can cook – main thing, I can put something delicious on the plate…
Frozen – KA whether there are also in Germany.
Depends on what I have to do with it!
Green beans from frost 😉
It has its reason that the crush beans are called 😉
always dried, taste better
Dried out from the can?!
White beans always from the can.