Benutzt ihr den Blinker zum Überholen?
Die Frage ist vielleicht ein bisschen komisch aber ich hab schon sehr oft Leute gesehen die zum Überholen nicht blinken.
Die Frage ist vielleicht ein bisschen komisch aber ich hab schon sehr oft Leute gesehen die zum Überholen nicht blinken.
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Yes, it’s mandatory to flash over. Both in and out. Who does not do it is simply Faul and does not stick to the StVO.
In principle, I almost always use my flasher; in any case, however, where another can benefit from my direction indicator.
If I overtake a tractor on a lonely road and no one else is in sight, I’ll let it stay and focus my attention on whether the tractor could bend to the left during the overtaking and his blinker might not go.
In the morning at three, when I turn off, I’m already counting on the direction of travel or leaving a roundabout that I’m traveling to mutterseelenalein.
But as soon as the blinking is used to communicate in road traffic, I naturally flash.
There are even cases where, of course, I do not flash. Almost if there’s a vehicle on the right side of the road that I want to drive past. Here too, the blinking is prescribed, but sometimes counterproductive, if at the same time a road goes to the left, but I do not want to bend into.
In any case, not only because it is prescribed, but also because it is important and makes traffic a bit safer.Especially on federal roads, if you overtake a snarchnase or a trecker and maybe also a few other cars behind it.
They then see that one does not drive after the slow, but is overtaken. More importantly on motorways and roadways.
So definitely YES!
Many do not do it and if shortly before another is at the same level and then pull out so that the one on the left track almost goes into the pure and thus the one on the left must slow down, which I think is dangerous.
So I don’t use it many
When passing by parking cars, however, not always.
and otherwise not?
from pure desire to survive
I always use the flasher
is so prescribed, and also safer – if I missed someone, then maybe he can slow down because he recognizes my project.
You ask two different DInge.
You don’t flash when you get over.
To overtake very well.
Of course, this is also so!!!