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Haben Busfahrer das Recht mich stehen zu lassen?
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Neither: Minicar. Say “Mietwagen with driver.” It was introduced decades ago, e.g. for the stretch limo at the wedding (i.e., for example, not standing elsewhere than on the premises when waiting for the next order). However, it is also used by cheaper “Taxi” companies, which can thus dispense with the taximeter.
Is that more expensive than normal taxis? or cheaper? and is this in Cologne Minicar?
tends to be cheaper because they do not have a taximeter and therefore flat prices from A to B.
How should I know where exactly Minicar, Citycar, MyCar or whatever you call it?! Just look for yourself.
Thank you.
Rather public, otherwise, in this country, after less tingling experiences with Uber the taxi. abroad then Uber, if it must be and you need a car. However, the experience is not very positive.
Thank you.
I drive relatively often by taxi, because I cannot drive myself. I honestly don’t know what Uber is. So I’ve never been driving with that.
Occasionally I use a taxi, but I haven’t driven Uber yet.
I’ve never been driving Uber. So far I’m either on my own car or by bus and train. This year I was already dependent on the taxi due to health.
I too and that is expensive.
And what is this about?
What’s that got to do with me?
I am looking for cheaper alternatives, which are still serious and can be booked without a smartphone.
neither, but if, then taxi
I’ve never used Uber.
I take a taxi
If there’s a taxi, because they’re right there, where I need something like that…
In principle neither. I took a car rental service here and there.
There is no Uber here and there has been no taxi with us in Haiger for some time.
Just a cab.