Beneiden Piloten Ärzte?
Pilot zu werden war mal ein Traum. Heutzutage stellt Corona das Pilotendasein auf die große Kippe und viele Jobs sind bedroht.
Deshalb meine Frage dieser beiden “Berufungen” bezüglich:
Welcher Job ist der bessere Traumjob?
Arzt oder Berufspilot?
Everyone has his own dream job. So why should a pilot who sees what of the world and whose great passion it is to fly to a doctor who constantly works in the hospital under maximum tension be envious?
Bullshit. Once again pilots are needed without end, nix stands on the tip, you spread untrue facts and laymanship. And no one envy anyone.
And why are so many pilots unemployed?
Some of them don’t.
Doctor is crisis-proof, but for me personally pilot.
you have a lot more spare time and you can see something from the world