Bemerken die Beamten am Flughafen das man Space Brownies dabei hat?
Hab letztens mit einem Freund darüber geredet. Glaubt ihr bemerkt die security am Flughafen, dass wenn man so 5 space brownies dabei hat. Wenn man es im Handgepäck hat und keine Hunde in der nähe sind.
Hand luggage is illuminated and then the content appears in different colors depending on whether it is organic or not I can imagine well if the grass in the biscuits differs in color from the cookie itself the suspicious
When you put the Thc in the brownies, I mean!
The likelihood we find this is low. Now comes the But. If we find it then you have 100 points. Then the inch comes into play, and that will be expensive and the flight will fail for you. I wouldn’t be worth this risk. I’ve already found cocaine with a passenger and the inch has been happy.
Greeting from the control staff
Probably not