Bemalen von Figuren – Farbe bricht?


ich nutze die gute Farbe vom Army Painter sowie deren Grundierung. Die komplette Figur konnte ohne Probleme grundiert und angemalt werden – bis auf die Axt des Charakters – die Farbe bricht. Selbst, als wir sie nochmal grundiert haben, um die Grundierung als Fehler auszuschließen, brach diese weiter.

Hat jemand eine Idee, wodurch das ausgelöst wird?

Danke und VG!

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1 year ago

It looks like Craquelee cracks. This happens when the rather thick layer of paint has more hold in itself than on the substrate. She pulls together when drying and tears. The texture of the substrate and the strong color application have led to this effect. Overall, the color application looks rather thick and somewhat clumpy. In the area of the rings between the leather straps, irregularities in the dry behavior can also be seen. Here too, a thinner and more careful color application could lead to better results.

The application of a plurality of substantially thinner color layers can be a remedy which must be thoroughly cured in each case before the next is applied.

Regardless of the failure, this pattern looks interesting. If desired, it will be difficult to produce in this fineness without special “repellent lacquers”.

1 year ago

I’ve only made a little bit and painted, but I noticed that 1. if the colors can dry too quickly (e.g. hot weather) tear. And (I hope I don’t tell humbug) it once in the construction market someone said there is color that cures and there is color that remains soft.

For example, I built a lighthouse with clay pots in the garden and primed and painted it. The blue color for the lower edge was “hard” and left. the red colour for the pots remained rubber-like. She was moving on heat. (For frost, however, the red colour is also torn.)

1 year ago

Make color tests on a neutral piece or the bottom. Maybe it’s just brown. Then mix a new one from red and black.

Perhaps the rod also has an unfavorable structure, so there are predetermined breaking points.

1 year ago

If the structure is like a bamboo, then the color will contract in the sinks, due to the surface tension and the highest points will be bald or only thinly wetted. The more smooth the surface is.

1 year ago

I want to confirm the other answer, the cracks look mega, I find

1 year ago


that gives a so-called hammer impact effect.

grinding, with lemon or vinegar degreasing and re prime.

sanding off with 400 diamant sanding paper, aftergling with 600s or polishing out with 800s.

or with alkyd resin paint.