Beliebteste Brotsorten?
Welches sind die beliebtesten Brotsorten?
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Ich hätte Lust auf nh Orange Ist das schlecht für den Schlaf oder so?
Erst 600ml stilles Wasser Dann 3 Toast, einer mit Käse und die anderen belegt mit jeweils einem Spiegelei Dannach 40g Haferflocken mit Milch und eine Banane.
If you want to know it generally for the whole of Germany, you should try the Federal Statistical Office.
For me it is definitely sourdough bread. Whether rye or wheat sourdough as a base. These are the best breads for me.
And then I can bake a wheat bread, rye bread or dinkel bread. And as I grind my flours myself, it is always full grain bread.
So I could cross everything from your choice.
I love the change.
When it comes to sales, Toastbrot seems to be the most popular in Germany.
“The statistics show the most popular bread varieties in Germany from 2010 to 2022 on the basis of a distribution of sales. According to the source, the Toastbrot in 2022 was the most bought bread variety in Germany. The share of total sales was 29.3%.”
Source: most popular varieties of German/
I didn’t think so.
Perhaps it is also partly a price question. The popularity is determined here by the paragraph.
I don’t know, I need to research statistics.
I like dark bread pretty much, so rye, sourdough and with kernels/nuts. Dinkel, don’t know if you can call it dark. It’s important for whole grain.
Pure wheat bread is ok, but really maximum incomplete and more like a piece of cake with jam or something, so dessert
Mostly. As I have read, it should be the favorite bread of the Germans. I myself prefer the wheat mixed bread. LG