Bekommt man eine Email-Benachrichtigung über ein bald ankommendes Post-Paket ( von Deutscher Post+DHL) NUR, wenn man einen Account bei bzw. hat?
Ich meine Mails z.B. mit “Betreff: Ihr DHL Paket kommt heute”. Umgekehrt gefragt: Generiert DHL diese Mails aufgrund der postalischen Empfängeradresse aus den Online-DHL-Accounts selbst, wo halt möglich, ODER übergeben in der Regel die absendenden Online-Shops die Mail-Adresse (des Empfängers) je Sendung mit an DHL ?? Im letzteren Fall kann ich mir dann nämlich das Account bei auch dann sparen.
Without DHL account, you will only receive an email announcement from DHL if the sender sends the mail address.
An account owner always gets an announcement as DHL actually compares the data in this respect.
As an account owner, you also have the advantage of redirecting packages to a packing station or mail store.
Ideally, when ordering to the home address, it is also indicated in the delivery address.
Thx4 ⭐
Where should DHL have the email address of the packet receiver? She’s not on the package. So only the account you have mentioned
The recipient could have its own DHL account. And DHL search the first and last name, street and house number, Plz, target community in its own database … Probably this would be too complicated for DHL .. However, since I don’t send anything anymore, I want to know “just” whether “mostly” recipients also get those package advance notices that have NO Dhl account.
Where should DHL know the email address recipients if it has no DHL account? The email address is not stored on the address label or in the non-existent account. So no notification to an unknown email address.