Bekommt man den Lambo in armen Ländern kaufkraftangepasst?


Bekommt man in Ländern wie Thailand oder Kenia den Lambo kaufkraftangepasst, also für 50.000 Euro oder so oder kostet der da auch min. 200.000?


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2 years ago

Lamborghini costs no less than in production for Thailand. Because the Italian worker who builds both cars doesn’t care where the export goes.

The number of Lamborghini sold should also be very small in Thailand that makes the import for individual items all the more expensive. You do not have the great and optimized procedures and forwarding contracts.

In addition, there are enormous luxury taxes almost everywhere in the world.

The only place where price could be reduced would be the lower wages of sales staff. But they do not even play a decisive role in Germany.

So the Lamborghini in Thailand is a lot more expensive than in Germany.

2 years ago

In Thailand, they are much more expensive. A new Lamborghini Huracan costs here converted from approx. 600,000 euros and an Aventador from approx. 1.3 million euros. The import-zoal fuer cars are incredibly high in Thailand, as are taxes for cars from the lower middle class.

Only small cars built or screwed together in Thailand are equipped here at similar prices as in Europe.

2 years ago

Yes of course, however, such luxury retailers do not match the prices as much as other manufacturers. As mentioned here, in many countries there is luxury tax, which makes such cars even more expensive.

2 years ago

No, they’re more expensive. High tax. It’s often called luxury tax.

Bread and butter cars are cheaper in some countries. Looking at EU reimports as an example

2 years ago

So if you get one for 50000€ there is a fake Lambo and there is actually that

2 years ago

The dealer gets the for approx. 100,000, what the hit is his thing, so in Germany 200,000 in the Far East maybe 120,000.

2 years ago
Reply to  Brooklyn12345

Lol, is a Lambo of the built-in parts worth so little?

2 years ago

It costs 50000 of the manufacturers in the production.

In Germany, the VK earns 40,000

In Ferost 15000

There are other costs.

This is the price.

2 years ago

This was an example, but you can post the official data 😉

Production costs are often 1% of VK value.

(knowledge from activity Purchasing/booking of Europe’s largest wholesale)

2 years ago

The manufacturing costs at the Lamborghini are significantly higher than you assume. Just because you have to build the same expensive press-work body tools as for my sake a golf, but these million investments not to 2 million. vehicles are distributed, but only a few thousand.

2 years ago

It’s mash

production costs

This is due to the

costs of development

on this cost of advertising

on this cost of depreciation

on this cost of guarantee

there are also costs for management sales, etc.

any reserves

and then win

that is the price of the manufacturer

then the dealer margin is usually 15%

but the dealer has to pay everything (persons, buildings…. )

and not to forget everywhere, the tax is on top.