Bekommt durch oralsex HIV wenn ich seine erste Freundin bin?

Hallo leute

ich wollte fragen hab letztens mit meinem freund oralsex gehabt und ihm ein geblasen aber nur lustropfen von ihm bekommen hab,kann ich dadurch Hiv bekommen,da ich vor stress und angst mich verrückt mache und leichtes halskribbeln hab und nur am weinen bin

denkt ihr da würde was passieren,weil zurzeit das wetter ist ja auch nicht so toll

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2 years ago


Coming through oral HIV when I’m his first girlfriend?

He would have to be infected for this first time – if you’re his first girlfriend, the probability is dwindlingly low.

Oral traffic is also protected more or less by nature. Of course, you should be sure – as far as it goes – whether the foreign person has syphilis, tripper or chlamydia. HIV or the last end of AIDS is, however, more than improbable, since the mucous membranes in the mouth are significantly more resistant – not to exclude them completely, for there should be (very few) oral HIV cases.

By the way, the probability of the latter is reduced by non-sucking and thus spiting or swallowing and mouthwashing – as should be known, both sexes can ejaculate.

you think something would happen because the weather is not so great

No, HIV has nothing in common with the weather.

2 years ago

With a slight crimp, you have much more probable corona than HIV.

To get HIV, you have to have sex with someone who has HIV himself. So if your friend hasn’t had sex before and doesn’t take sprayed drugs, nothing can happen.

2 years ago

If he has no HIV then no