Bekommen Firmen, Schulen und andere Institutionen Spam E-Mails?

Passiert das? Wenn ja, wie oft und wie erkennen die Leser das? Was passiert, wenn man eine wichtige Meldung bekommt aber einem der Absender komisch vorkommt?

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1 year ago

Everyone gets the and most authorities catch such mails in advance – either makes the in-house proxy or the provider.

1 year ago
Reply to  MissFlight

sender and content.. If I write to my colleague only one sentence in the mail, he doesn’t get to work at all.

1 year ago

There’s a demand for healthy human understanding. I once got ne Phishing Mail, where allegedly log in attempts were registered.. That was ebay classified.. Optically the mail was authentic. But the stored URL was fake and I had nix more on the hat with ebay for years. I just changed the PW everywhere.

Always assume if you expect nix you can always ignore spam mails. Turned around, it can happen that you are going to register somewhere and send a confirmation mail – but then you will be explicitly pointed out that this can land in the spam folder under rare circumstances.

But be calmed, my parents would have believed this Scam SMS (Content: Mama Papa this is my new number)

That’s why they called me extra xD

1 year ago

Of course, click best nix. A few years ago, it was this worm that even imitated the sender. Was everyone known.. The secretary read the mail from the boss. But it’s been too late – just pulled out.

1 year ago

Apart from one has a specific goal – viruses were introduced via pictures in the appendix

1 year ago

Attachments are more rare in spam mails. Usually the recipient is to be loosened by link on any pages.

1 year ago

Many. Not all come through, but sometimes some. Until the firewall is updated again.

What happens when you get an important message, but one of the senders seems strange?

Well, you have to check the mails.

1 year ago
Reply to  MissFlight

Sorry, no. I’m not that far in technology. But that’s very different, and just after updates, other mails, whose send-offs have been classified as abstract, come to the spam. That’s a particularly annoying.