Bekomme keinen Arbeitslosengeld?
Habe vorher in Leihfirmen gearbeitet, und wurde von denen gekündigt und konnte mich mit Werkstudentenjobs über Wasser halten. Nun habe ich mich extramikulirt und bekomme keinen Arbeitslosengeld, da ich nicht durchgehend 12 Monate Vollzeit gearbeitet habe.
Ich will gerne eine Umschulung machen.
Jetzt meine Frage, kann man Bürgergeld beantragen, wenn man keinen Arbeitslosengeld bekommt?
Kann auch eine Umschulung machen?
Ich bin mittlerweile 34 Jahre alt und habe keine Abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung.
apply for civic money and then talk to your supervisor about retraining.
You don’t have to work for 12 months. These 12 insurance months may have been within the last 3 years.
And if you don’t have any other income, you don’t have anything else to ask for money.
It is not necessary to have worked for the ALG – 1 as an insurance benefit from the Agency for Labour over 12 months and not at all in full time.
In addition to being unemployed, the waiting period must be fulfilled and one must be available for the placement in work.
The expectation time is usually fulfilled when you are within 30 months min. 12 months have paid contributions to unemployment insurance.
Surely you can apply for civil money if you are working and the other conditions are fulfilled.
With a possible retraining or training You’re gonna settle with your SB at the job center.
You can.
You can, if the job center agrees.
Then you should change this.
Retraining is nothing but a timely shortening of vocational training, for which, however, there is no need for an agency for work or a job centre.
You can’t study. Then that should go. Just go, make a request.
you can always apply for unemployment benefit but whether it is granted is another question.
a retraining is usually given if you are unemployed and receive benefits or are in temporary work