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5 months ago

On the Internet you will find a free calculator for home and child supplement, for child supplement You’re looking for the leaflet.

Here you can find everything well explained with examples.

However, if I calculate your total requirements according to the SGB – ll based on your information, I come to currently 2 x 506 euros for living for you adults and for the child under 6 years to 357 euros + 800 euros warm rental = a total of 2169 euros per month.

You have 2270 Euro + 538 Euro + 250 Euro Child Benefit = 3058 Euro net per month.

These are around the 889 euros over your total needs according to the SGB – ll under citizen money from the Jobcenter, because the regulations according to the SGB – ll also apply to children’s allowance.

However, some 889 Euros still have to take account of allowances for earning income according to Clause 11 b SGB – ll and theoretically deducted.

From gross income, the first 100 euros are the basic amount, up to 538 euros gross comes 20% free allowance.

Your wife would therefore be entitled to 100 euros and of 438 euros gross x 20 % free amount = 87.60 euros.

Their calculable income is then expected to be at EUR 538 gross equal to net after deduction of EUR 187.60 Free allowance at EUR 350.40.

You will then receive 30% of the free allowance up to EUR 1000 and, due to the minor child, a further 10% free allowance up to EUR 1500 gross, without a minor child, only 10% to EUR 1200 gross.

Your allowance will be EUR 187.60 + EUR 138.60 + EUR 50 = a total of EUR 376.20.

376,20 Euro Free of charge Du + 187,60 Euro Woman = 563,80 Euro to free allowance.

EUR 889 over the demand for the SGB – ll minus EUR 563,80

In the case of children’s allowance, however, only 45% of the possible max. A claim of EUR 292 could still be a claim for children’s allowance of about EUR 145.

You have to have everything calculated once.

5 months ago