Bekomme ich eine Rechnung an meine Rechnungsadresse bei einer Packstation?
Hallo zusammen,
Ich habe Mal ne Frage zu der Rechnungsadresse.
1. Bekommt man, wenn man sein Paket an eine Packstation sendet, die Rechnung und/oder die Abholbestätigung per Post an die Rechnungsadresse oder alles per Mail / App(Onlineshop unabhängig/Erfahrungen)
2. Falls das Paket nicht zu der Packstation geliefert werden kann (zu groß oder kein DHL / dt. Post), bekomme ich die Info per Post an die Rechnungsadresse oder per Mail / App
3. Falls es ein anderer Lieferdienst ist, welcher nicht an an eine Packstation liefert, wird das Paket dann an die Rechnungsadresse gesendet oder wohin kommt das dann?
Vielen Tausend Dank schonmal für ernstgemeinte Antworten.
Die Fragen gehen schon Tage durch meinen Kopf und googeln ist echt zu ungenau.
So if you get a package by pickup, you can’t receive it at the packing station that will be redirected to the branch and there you can pay it and pick it up.
If you have ordered an invoice from the online shop, the online shop will be asked if it sends the invoice by e-mail by mail or by app.
If you enter a packaging station at an online shop as a delivery address and the package is delivered with Hermes then the software of the online shops usually indicates that the package cannot be delivered to this address.
If you order from an online shop and do not have a post number or even the Packstation option at delivery address, you can actually be sure that does not come with DHL. In this case you can only specify your private home address or a package shop.
If a third-party package service e.g. Hermes gets a package which is addressed to a packing station, then I had the Hermes simply redirected it to a job and the online dealer has notified me where I can pick up the package.
Another time, two weeks after the order of the dealers told me that he can’t deliver the package and I should say another address.
Okay, thanks for the detailed answer.
That is, postal stores or other parcel shops also accept competitors’ packages?
1 and 2 are Or questions. “Yes” seems to be a rather inaccurate answer.