Bekomme ich eine MPU?

Ich halte mich kurz.

Allgemeine Verkehrskontrolle-> Bluttest

Habe 13 Stunden zuvor (Cannabis) konsumiert und sonst konsumiere ich im Schnitt alle 2/3 Tage über das letze Jahr.

Zur Zeit der Kontrolle war ich wie gesagt nüchtern und hatte sonst nie etwas mit der Polizei zu tun.

Was erwartet mich?

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2 years ago

Is a drug test done?

Was that positive?

Was the blood taken?

it depends on the Thc concentration in the blood.
depending on the height, the

2 years ago
Reply to  ABC123ASD363

There is no easy positive you are not easily pregnant.

positive is positive

as I said it depends on the concentration in the blood.

2 years ago

Since Thc is not linearly degraded, no one can say

2 years ago

You cannot answer your question safely because the blood values for THC and THC-COOH are not known. However, as you sign yourself as a regular consumer over a longer period of time, you should start from the worst case:

  1. Withdrawal of driving licence and fine
  2. Locking period up to the redistribution of the driving licence
  3. MPU with previous 12-month abstinence certificate
2 years ago
Reply to  ABC123ASD363

The police or the court also do not decide on the MPU, but inform the driver’s license. This always requires a MPU, including abstinence, in case of drug abuse in road traffic and suspicion of permanent drug abuse. If you are not deprived of your driving licence by a court, you should start immediately with the proof of abstinence, which the deadline for the MPU comes very close and is hardly possible without proof of abstinence.

2 years ago

Driving licence withdrawal and fine. MPU is only due when driving under alcohol.

2 years ago
Reply to  derHeld600

MPU is only due when driving under alcohol.


2 years ago
Reply to  Leestiger

If a road user passes under the influence of cannabis, this may have different effects on the driving licence. One-time consumption does not necessarily have to lead to an MPU. However, the use of cannabis is always forwarded to the competent driving authority.

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2 years ago

I’ll tell you, but he’ll have to deal with it. I don’t drink, I don’t drink, and I only have 1 truck that means coffee. And the conversation is over.

2 years ago

But that’s right “Schei**e”

2 years ago

He’s 35 and he was a truck driver.

2 years ago

Clear – 1.6 is equal, the fourth or fifth degree should be left to stay if you are not really thirsty.

That with the “only with alcohol” clarified for the Mitleser..

By the way, my brother also learned at the time that the lapels were made later, when you were drunk with the mofa on a car.

2 years ago

Also drunk by bike can cost the lapping as my brother has noticed painfully.

2 years ago

Alcohol is more common.

Is that the same as your falsely asserted “only on the road Alcohol“?

2 years ago

But you say “until only with alcohol” – as if a MPU has never been required for cannabis.

Even with one-time susceptibility, this can already be.

2 years ago

Alcohol is more common.

2 years ago

“does not have to be compelled”, but does not mean that it is not possible