Bekannte Probleme bei dem VW Polo 9N?
Was gibt es für bekannte Probleme bei dem VW Polo 9N 2009 Benziner
Habe gehört die Steuerkette ist eine schwäche, weil sie zu kurz ist.
Was gibt es für bekannte Probleme bei dem VW Polo 9N 2009 Benziner
Habe gehört die Steuerkette ist eine schwäche, weil sie zu kurz ist.
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The 1.4s have problems with oil consumption.
One of the most common problems is the ignition coils that give up the mind.
The AGR valve also adapts itself, which can also be designed and cleaned with some craftsmanship.
The 1.2 has problems with control chain suspension.
In addition, the 1.2r has a faulty construction which affects the catalyst. As a result, cylinder head and valves can be damaged or burned, which becomes quite expensive.
My mechanic said it’s still on the engine. 1.2. 1.6 or 2.0.
and there are other problems apart from the control chain, depending on the model.
But what engine and what problems I don’t know.
2.0 at the Polo 9n? What kind of engine is that?
there I was probably in the wrong vintage 😅
but until the fauxpas, I remain with my answer 🤙
9N are actually solid so far had not really problems whether 1.2 or 1.4 etc.
1.4er went away last time with over 220.000km running perfectly
Sometimes one hears the hydrostatics in the cold state, but otherwise nothing great would be known to me.
the successor had more problems with the 1.2TSI with the control chain.