Bein gebrochen Geburtstag feiern?

Ich habe mir vor 2 Monaten das Bein gebrochen und da das nicht verheilt ist habe ich vor 14 Tagen einen neuen Gips bekommen mit dem das belasten so in etwa unmöglich ist. Ich habe aber in einer Woche Geburtstag und würde gerne Feiern. Soll ich und wenn ja was soll ich da unternehmen da ich das Bett nicht verlassen kann?

Danke euch jetzt schon für eure Antworten

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8 months ago

I just looked after you’re a girl, and you’re sure you have friends and you’re still going to school or training.

If I’m right, you’re home with Mom and Dad.

to put up a few chairs and a table in your room and each guest must bring at least two pieces of cake.

someone at home cooks coffee, cocoa, makes music and you make a really nice rat.

and then everyone has to sing.

It looks like a little childbirth now, but maybe it’s gonna be fun.

and hopefully they’re all together.

you also have to sprinkle up a bit, and your girls or boys around you have made sure of themselves.

yes and everyone has to bring a flower and a little surprise gift.

You have time, make written invitations, really nice old-fashioned in the letter.

All right, you can take the smartphone.

If that gets really great, you might remember this special birthday for a lifetime.

I wish you all love and that you have some fun afternoon.

I’ve just got something on your questions and answers.

You’re an almost adult girl, right?

at least your answers.

When I had such an injury and had to stay in bed for a long time, I taught Sudoku.

I don’t know if you already know.

naja und Kreuzworträtsel solved, at the time I had no smartphone just a normal phone. Oh God, how could I exist there.

but if you can’t load your leg at all, that’s horrible.

So with Krücken, that’s all right, hopefully.

Then you also have the pleasure that you have to pee into your belly every day, oh God I have always feared.

I hope you don’t live alone, but actually still with your parents or with a friend or friend.

I hope I won’t bother you right now. but I still know how time was. If I hadn’t had my WG at that time, I would probably have starved.😳 I’ll send you my best regards.

8 months ago
Reply to  meivolga

Oh, thanks for it. 😊

8 months ago


Why should you postpone such a celebration just for a gypsum leg?

There is a good saying: “If life gives a lemon, make juice from it.”

Here so many suggestions have been made to make it possible to celebrate. Don’t let your gypsum get you under.

I personally find it good and I like plaster very much, I would be happy to be invited to such a party 🙂

So fetch beautiful and let yourself just live up and enjoy this day to the fullest.


8 months ago
Reply to  Mondi437

You’re welcome.

Let me know how it went with your birthday party. I’m interested….

8 months ago

With a gypsum leg you can sit on a chair or couch without any problems. Order a friend to buy Getraenke and order food online.

After a two-day open knoechel rupture, 9 weeks was landed beggarig. Bettlaegerig doesn’t mean you have to lie in bed. You can lie on the couch or sit on a chair and raise the leg.

I had a lot of visits during this time, though no birthday party. With the help of a friend, it should be easy to organize a birthday party for a “leg”.

Why are you tied to bed with a gypsum leg as long as you’re not in the hospital in the stretching band? How do you go to the bathroom and wash? bBin always crawls with the roller shutter during this time without burdening the foot.

8 months ago

Hey had such a gypsum until the beginning of the month. So I got used to it quickly.

and celebration definitely your birthday that can be as much fun with plaster as without

8 months ago

I’d postpone the ceremony until you’re halfway mobile again. Inform the people you would have invited or come. You’ll understand.

8 months ago

It’s just helping to move the celebration, you’re fit again.

8 months ago

Celebrate a month later, you might be hard to celebrate in bed.

8 months ago

You’ll have to push your birthday party.