Beim Traden 2500€ verloren?

Hallo zusammen,

ich habe mir vor ca. 2 Wochen ein Trade Republic Konto erstellt. Habe hauptsächlich in Etfs und ein paar kleine positionen von Einzelaktien gekauft. Letzte Woche kam ich dann auf die Idee zu hebeln. Anfangs mit einem 7x Hebel. Das hat ganz gut Funktioniert und ich konnte somit einen gewinn von 100€ erzielen. Danach sah ich noch eine gute möglichkeit und habe mich für einen höheren Betrag, zu höherem hebel eingekauft. Naja, lief nicht so gut. Es ging direkt deutlich bergab, habe mich dann noch mehrmals eingekauft in der Hoffnung das es dann wieder hochgeht. Zwichenzeitlich waren es nur noch 500€ Minus. Heute wurde ich Liquidiert mit 2500€. Ich weis nicht was ich jetzt tuhen soll. Ich habe das Geld wirklich gebraucht, da ich mir davon mein erstes Auto kaufen wollte. Jetzt ist dieser Plan Futsch. Wenn das mein Vater/Bruder auf meinem Portfolio sehen würde, würde für mich eine Welt zusammen brechen (was eigentlich ehh schon passiert ist). Ich weis nicht mehr weiter. Was soll ich tun? Wie kann ich das Geld wieder reinholen?

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6 months ago

What should I do? How can I get the money back in?

I’m sure you don’t want to trade for belly feelings, and you can still leverage it.

Try it with normal work or a side job and save the money back together.

Now you can shoot more money behind and bet on good luck again on something with leverage… so you can put it in the casino and everything on red or black

Only invest what you can afford to loose

6 months ago

You should know that trades have a high risk, especially if you have no idea about it.

The money is gone and added, 2,500 € are expensive teaching money. You can get the money back in with work. Trades will make you lose even more. That’s the problem you think you can get it back in and lose more instead.

6 months ago

I don’t know anymore. What should I do? How can I get the money back in?

Normal work. With 500€ per month, you’ll have the money back after 5 months.

Trading would be me. Your strategy was apparently based on happiness. So trying again would not be sensible. Assets are built in the long term with world ETFs, not with uncertain derivatives with large leverage.

6 months ago

Gier’s deadline brains have always been like that.

You can’t make a fortune quickly from little money, but quickly from a fortune a much smaller one.

You should be a lesson.

Now the car has to wait and the next time you don’t buy anything with Helbel.

I also had to pay tuition fees at my beginning time and much later I was not smarter and I thought I knew myself and then was deep in the Miesen up to an annual salary. Used a whole 1.5 years until I was back into the black numbers. For over 1 year, I have not done anything anymore…because that was the best decision of my life to stop trading.

6 months ago

I don’t know anymore. What should I do? How can I get the money back in?

You can’t do anything. You knew a lever would work in both directions. The money’s gone and doesn’t come back from the lamentation anymore.

6 months ago
Reply to  archibaldesel

It’s not gone. Just someone else

6 months ago

Now the money is gone and lost with certainty-limiting probability.

No way is it not, of course, but it only has someone else.

You should really consider whether you can spare the money to shock or not.

Unfortunately, you have paid lessons through this action. I hope you learned from it.

6 months ago

So I’d go to the casino or run sportsbooks and multiply it like this, but I wouldn’t recommend that because

then bought me again several times in the hope that it will come up again.

you seem to have tendencies of playful behavior.

Find out and learn from it.

6 months ago

Learning through pain….

Maybe you should be so risky things…

6 months ago

I’m sorry for you, but it’s better to make the experience now with 2500 euros than later with larger amounts. Now you know why experienced investors often leave the fingers of leverage products.

6 months ago

If you know everything better before, you can’t complain afterwards.

6 months ago

You’re right, the money’s gone.

Now you have to work and save it from time to get the sum back together.