Beim Sex heimlich gefilmt?

Ich hatte heute wie schon häufiger was mit meinem Freund. Unsere Handys liegen immer irgendwo daneben falls man mal Musik verändert oder auf die Uhr guckt oder so.

Jedenfalls hatte er plötzlich nur noch eine Hand auf mir und sein Handy genommen, ich war mir erst nicht sicher ob es das wirklich ist aber er hat es dann kurz auf meinen Rücken abgelegt. (Also er war hinter mir..).

Er hat kurz den Blitz vom Handy angemacht, unabsichtlich aber.

Ich bin jetzt unsicher ob er wirklich nur auf die Uhr geguckt hat (ziemlich lange und Musik lief auf meinem Handy) und dann ausversehen auf die Taschenlampe kam oder ob er doch heimlich kurz gefilmt hat.

Ich habe meinen Fingerabdruck in seinem Handy und war kurz dran weil ich was googeln wollte (also er wusste das). Ich hab nen Bild von mir gemacht damit er eins auf dem Handy hat das er später entdecken und sich drüber freuen kann. Ich hab seine Galerie geöffnet um mir das anzusehen und er hat das Handy direkt genommen und meinte ich solle nicht in seine Galerie da sind unangenehme Bilder von ihm.

Er hatte schonmal gefragt ob wir sowas nicht mal festhalten wollen, ich habe aber abgelehnt.

Ich vertraue ihm und liebe ihn, bin mir aber unsicher.

(Wir sind beide Minderjährig)

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2 months ago

So what you’re talking about, it looks real to me like he did a photo or video. I can’t! You better talk to him directly and make sure you don’t want to.
Besides, I find it strange that he doesn’t trust you with his phone (gallery). I’d feel like he’d hide something.

If you were to talk to him, I would recommend doing this in person and prepare you a little bit for what you want to say.

Stand to your opinion and don’t let you get under before you’re sure everything’s okay for you. You’re right!

2 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

Sometimes people are better valued than they are. Just if you can see his gallery, I’d hack, but I can understand if you don’t want to directly touch it.
Take your time, gather your thoughts and then decide how you feel most comfortable.

I personally would nevertheless recommend talking about it because I would rather have the truth as ignorance.

2 months ago

probably your feeling doesn’t deceive you. Take his phone and clear the picture. Talk to him and get you safe.

2 months ago

“I trust him” and “but not sure” contradicts himself completely.

Of course I don’t know if he did or not. But you should talk to him and let him know you wouldn’t forgive such a breach of trust. That should give him thought. That’s all you can do.

2 months ago
Reply to  FashionFee637

I don’t think so. In principle, you can sense your partner’s trust and yet some uncertainty in certain situations. Communication is there for that.

2 months ago

I think he picked up something, take his händy while he sleeps or talk openly to him. That’s really nich okay with a mistake anyone can see what you want, you have to talk urgently as long as he has to admit anything to it, no young keeps longer lean.

2 months ago

You wouldn’t ask him that.

And most of the time the abdominal feeling is true.

Besides, what kind of person is looking seriously, if he’s just behind or if he’s generally short on the clock?

Don’t let his phone lie next to you when you’ve been there.

Explain to him your fears and tell him he must show you the gallery.

If there are nude pictures of you on it that you didn’t want to do, delete everything and consider if the guy is the right one for you.

2 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

If he were innocent he could show you his cell phone

2 months ago

Jaaaa then has your answer sowiso .

If anything else was okay and then suddenly didn’t…just tell me enough.

2 months ago
