Beim rasieren geschnitten mit Scheidenpilz, gefährlich?
Hallo Leute, ich habe seit längerem einen Scheidenpilz und benutze auch einige Hilfsmittel die ihn abmildern aber nicht vollends verschwinden lassen. Nun habe ich mich beim rasieren geschnitten und habe gehört dass er in den Blutkreislauf gelangen kann. Stimmt das? Hab gerade mega Angst dass das gefährliche Auswirkungen haben kann…wäre super lieb wenn jmd darüber bescheid weiß und mich aufklären kann
A healthy immune system fights this.
Why don’t you treat fungus properly with ointment and vaginal tablets? Everything else is bullshit.
Thank you, I told my mother about it, and she told others that he had come back despite medication, but the propolis should help… That’s why I use this regularly, but I’ll try it soon with tablets and ointments, that’ll make more sense, thank you again. (My next appointment for a female doctor is unfortunately at the earliest in March, so I can’t write any funds…)
Honestly, shit helps Propolis. Go to the pharmacy and get a combination with supper and ointment.
And yes, that can come back, but with any means it’s not even going away. It is important here to wipe out a proper intimate hygiene, i.e. breathable slips, from the front to the back and use only clear water for washing!
Good improvement.
Take one more lactic acid cure, to build the vaginal flora, which will be completely over.
So with intimate hygiene you can already put a hack, I’m really careful, and it’s also improved. Najut, as well as bee, then I walk to the pharmacy and get the mediums, thank you