Beim Optiker Sehtest: die unterste Zeile erkennen unmöglich?
Ich war beim Optiker, habe dort einen Sehtest zur Wertefeststellung gemacht und der sagte mir, ich hätte 160% Sehkraft. Wow, gehe ja auf die 50 zu…
Beim Sehtest hat er mir dann die Linsen so eingestellt, daß ich die 3. von den 4 Zeilen recht gut lesen kann; die unterste Zeile konnte ich aber nicht erkennen.
Jetzt habe ich die Brille bekommen, aber sehe in die Ferne die Straßenschilder unscharf.
Kann es sein, daß sich der Optiker einfach zu faul war, mir die unterste Zeile mit den ganz kleinen Buchstaben scharf zu stellen und deshalb ich die Unschärfe habe?
Ich meine mich zu erinnern, daß es der Augenarzt damals geschafft hatte, daß ich alles erkenn kann. Aber das ist schon sehr lange her…
No… he’s putting the sharpness in your details. If you don’t recognize certain letters or characters, you just say it.
A glasses, or the new glasses, must be so adapted that you can see…. in the distance and while reading. Otherwise complain.
I also have the problem with the reading part of my glasses, tomorrow I go to the optician for the third time to complain. And I’ll do that until everything’s right.
I was told by the ophthalmologist that I could do 10 testes and everyone can be different.
What can that be?
I asked the optician if I should try to focus or let my eyes relax. He thinks you can’t focus on the distance with your own eyes.
I find it difficult to decide which setting is better if I only look with one eye and the other is covered – it then gries around the letters.
That one does not have a machine that completely misses the eye and then has the correction values perfect – instead of which almost medieval these questions must answer “is it so – (click) or so better? (click) So? (click) or So? …”
That you don’t have a machine today that completely misses the eye and then has the correction values perfect.
For the first part of your question, there have long been so-called refractometers, which are PCs measuring the eyes. But what these devices cannot do is seeing with both eyes. This is the problem and, of course, the problem of people’s machines/computer hearing. Eyes are such individual and highly sensitive organs that are not even completely researched. How does it come from the eye entrance via lens, chamber water, retina and optic nerve to signals that receive the brain and then transform it into images there. As a spectacle wearer, you probably don’t care what’s happening, you want to see well. Today you are very good, yesterday it was significantly worse and the machine measured what was wrong for both, after all you could not express your personal feeling.
Then you’re not satisfied.
It can be blood pressure and the form of the day…. that’s how I was told.